
Saving any file to in the database, just convert it to a byte array?

Is converting a file to a byte array the best way to save ANY file format to disk or database var binary column? So if someone wants to save a .gif or .doc/.docx or .pdf file, can I just convert it t...

5 Apr at 15:58

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

I followed the official docs on https setup located here: [](

29 Mar at 14:38

Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs

It seems like optimization is a lost art these days. Wasn't there a time when all programmers squeezed every ounce of efficiency from their code? Often doing so while walking five miles in the snow? ...

5 Sep at 10:13

Insert multiple values using INSERT INTO (SQL Server 2005)

In SQL Server 2005, I'm trying to figure out why I'm not able to insert multiple fields into a table. The following query, which inserts one record, works fine: ``` INSERT INTO [MyDB].[dbo].[MyTable...

17 Mar at 13:31

Struct with template variables in C++

I'm playing around with templates. I'm not trying to reinvent the std::vector, I'm trying to get a grasp of templateting in C++. Can I do the following? ``` template <typename T> typedef struct{ s...

13 Apr at 08:43

Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

In my particular situation, I have a couple of solutions to my problem. I want to find out which one is more feasible. In this case, I can also achieve my goal by returning a JSON object from my serve...

24 Jul at 19:52

SQL server 2008 backup error - Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

Can anyone help me, I'm trying to backup a database located on localhost\SQLEXPRESS but i keep getting the following error: ``` Backup failed for Server 'localhost\SqlExpress'. (Microsoft.SqlServer....

16 Oct at 01:58

Any good implementation of Actors for C#?

Is there any good implementation of [actors concurrency model]( for .net/c#? I have to optimize a c# routine and i think that actors model fits perfectly as ...

15 Apr at 22:44

How to calculate modulus of large numbers?

How to calculate modulus of 5^55 modulus 221 without much use of calculator? I guess there are some simple principles in number theory in cryptography to calculate such things.

18 Aug at 19:29

Creating a Plot Window of a Particular Size

How can I create a new on-screen R plot window with a particular width and height (in pixels, etc.)?

25 Jan at 02:58

C# Cast Entire Array?

I see this `Array.ConvertAll` method, but it requires a `Converter` as an argument. I don't see why I need a converter, when I've already defined an implicit one in my class: ``` public static implic...

14 Jan at 22:47

How can you add a Certificate to WebClient (C#)?

I know it is pretty simple to add a certificate to a HttpWebRequest. However, I have not found a way to do the equivalent using WebClient. Basically, I want to send out a POST with a specific certific...

No overflow exception for int in C#?

I had this weird experience with problem number 10 on [Project Euler]( (great site by the way). The assignment was to calculate the sum of all the prime numbers below two mill...

9 Jan at 04:40

String.Split only on first separator in C#?

String.Split is convenient for splitting a string with in multiple part on a delimiter. How should I go on splitting a string only on the first delimiter. E.g. I've a String ``` "Time: 10:12:12\r\n"...

22 Aug at 22:13

What does '&' do in a C++ declaration?

I am a C guy and I'm trying to understand some C++ code. I have the following function declaration: ``` int foo(const string &myname) { cout << "called foo for: " << myname << endl; return 0; } `...

18 Oct at 04:43

Test for equality to the default value

The following doesn't compile: ``` public void MyMethod<T>(T value) { if (value == default(T)) { // do stuff } } ``` `Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and...

13 Dec at 09:27

Generic List<T> as parameter on method

How can I use a `List<T>` as a parameter on a method, I try this syntax : ``` void Export(List<T> data, params string[] parameters){ } ``` I got compilation error: > The type or namespace name '...

2 Jan at 11:58

So what IS the right direction of the path's slash (/ or \) under Windows?

It seems Windows insists on writing a backslash `\` in file paths, whereas .NET's URI class writes them with a slash `/`. Is there any right way, that is accepted even in the most primitive systems? ...

30 Sep at 11:54

Can I loop through a table variable in T-SQL?

Is there anyway to loop through a table variable in T-SQL? ``` DECLARE @table1 TABLE ( col1 int ) INSERT into @table1 SELECT col1 FROM table2 ``` I use cursors as well, but cursors seem less flex...

How can I change the file location programmatically?

I am totally new to Log4net. I have managed to get something going by adding a config file and simple logging. I have hardcoded the value to be `"C:\temp\log.txt"` but this is not good enough. Th...

3 May at 02:41

Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value

In my block code I am trying to programmatically retrieve a list of products that have a attribute with a specific value. Alternately if that is not possible how would one retrieve all products then ...

How does Entity Framework work with recursive hierarchies? Include() seems not to work with it

I have an `Item`. `Item` has a `Category`. `Category` has `ID`, `Name`, `Parent` and `Children`. `Parent` and `Children` are of `Category` too. When I do a LINQ to Entities query for a specific `Ite...

Casting vs Converting an object toString, when object really is a string

This isn't really an issue, however I am curious. When I save a string in lets say an DataRow, it is cast to Object. When I want to use it, I have to cast it ToString. As far as I know there are sever...

23 Jul at 09:58

Variable declaration in a header file

In case I have a variable that may be used in several sources - is it a good practice to declare it in a header? or is it better to declare it in a `.c` file and use `extern` in other files?

22 Jul at 21:48

Method-Chaining in C#

I have actually no idea of what this is called in C#. But i want to add the functionallity to my class to add multiple items at the same time. ``` myObj.AddItem(mItem).AddItem(mItem2).AddItem(mItem3)...

5 Dec at 15:10