Windows Authentication - require additional password for special users
I am developing an intranet core web api application. The requirements for authentications are: - - - Now, what I have so far: - - I am using claims transformer middlewere in order to chec...
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- 21 May at 09:56
How can I resolve "The argument type 'String' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'int' " - Flutter
I'm trying to fetch data Online Using HTTP GET with Flutter SDK. I'm trying with this code [](
Is adding AddMvc() Service twice in ConfigureServices() a good practice in Asp.Net Core?
I'm creating a Nuget Package for Asp.Net Core. I want to make it simple to configure. So I decided to give a fluent way approach to add my Nuget to the service collection in `ConfigureServices()` in A...
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- 20 Aug at 08:18
What is the difference between UseStaticFiles, UseSpaStaticFiles, and UseSpa in ASP.NET Core 2.1?
ASP.NET Core 2.1.1 offers several seemingly related extension methods for appBuilder: - `UseStaticFiles``Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles`- `UseSpaStaticFiles``Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensi...
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- 23 Dec at 20:36
How do I update states `onChange` in an array of object in React Hooks
I have retrieved data stored using `useState` in an array of object, the data was then outputted into form fields. And now I want to be able to update the fields (state) as I type. I have seen example...
- Modified
- 16 Feb at 17:46
ASP.NET Core 2.2 WebAPI 405 Method Not Allowed
- - - Run an Integration Test against a controller method in my Web API that uses a `PATCH` verb ``` namespace FluidIT.API.Controllers { [Route("api/v1/[controller]")] [ApiControlle...
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- 4 May at 14:38
ServiceStack replacement for WCF
I currently use a command-line client, that communicates WCF to communicate between a client (over http) and an IIS web server. The WCF request packages is very large (like 10 GB). Can I use service...
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- 3 May at 19:59
Nullable reference types: How to specify "T?" type without constraining to class or struct
I want to create a generic class that has a member of type `T`. `T` may be a class, a nullable class, a struct, or a nullable struct. So basically anything. This is a simplified example that shows my ...
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- 14 Jul at 03:5
EF Core - may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths
I've set up what I thought was a pretty simple database.. However I am getting the following error. > Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_User_Suburb_SuburbId' on table 'User' may cause cycles or ...
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- 3 May at 13:18
Apply Entity Framework migrations when using ASP.Net Core in a Docker image
I have an ASP.Net Core application which uses Entity Framework with Sqlite. I am building a Docker image to deploy this. The ASP.Net Core application runs fine when debugging with VS Code, but when r...
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- 3 May at 12:47
how to use multiple folder into app.UseStaticFiles in .net core?
I want to get access to multiple folder locations from my web api to display image. I can't change the folder locations (depending on devices on which I don't have right to modify anything). for one ...
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- 2 May at 15:45
Detect source language at runtime from within debugging visualizer
I am writing a [debugging visualizer for Visual Studio]( that renders expression trees into C# or VB...
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- 2 May at 13:58
ServiceStack doesn't populate the response DTO when throwing HttpErrors
ServiceStack doesn't populate the original response in the WebServiceException's responseDTO property. I'm running the code below which should always return a 404 response code with the ResponseStatu...
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- 2 May at 12:59
Mock IOptionsMonitor
How can I make an class instance manually of a class that requires an IOptionsMonitor in the constructor? ``` private readonly AuthenticationSettings _authenticationSettings; public ActiveDirector...
- Modified
- 18 Jul at 02:54
Casting private key to RSACryptoServiceProvider not working
I have a X509Certificate2 variable and I'm trying to cast the private key of the variable to a RSACryptoServiceProvider However I get this exception. > System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast obj...
- Modified
- 6 May at 20:34
Catch exception not of a type
Is there a difference when catching exceptions not of a type between : ``` try { ... } catch (TaskCanceledException) { throw; } catch (Exception exception) { ... } ``` and : ``` try { ...
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- 2 May at 07:39
Flutter Text Field: How to add Icon inside the border
![The Search Bar to Replicate]( I would like to add the icon in the search bar. Here is my code so far: ``` new TextField( decoration: new InputDecoration( ...
- Modified
- 24 Oct at 15:52
Django TemplateSyntaxError - 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library
After upgrading to Django 3.0, I get the following `TemplateSyntaxError`: ``` In template /Users/alasdair//myproject/myapp/templates/index.html, error at line 1 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag ...
- Modified
- 30 Apr at 22:31
Insecure deserialization using Json.NET
A static security scanner has flagged my C# code on this line: ``` var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(response); ``` `response` will contain a JSON response from a web API. The sc...
JSON format issues with JSON_QUERY and C#
I have a JSON blob column (eg Groups) in a user table that contains a json object as follows: ``` {Security:[1,5],Reporting:[2,8]} ``` If i try and query that table using JSON_QUERY I get a badly f...
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- 30 Apr at 15:21
Why am I able to edit a LINQ list while iterating over it?
I recently came across an issue where I was able to change the `IEnumerable` object that I was iterating over in a `foreach` loop. It's my understanding that in C#, you aren't supposed to be able to e...
How to lock autofocus
Is there a way to prevent auto-focus from focusing, using any of the "standard" libraries, such as OpenCV, EmGU, DirectShow, etc? I want auto-focus to find the optimal focus, then during video captur...
- Modified
- 9 May at 07:28
xUnit test using data coming from external file
In these days I'm trying to understand how xUnit tests work and, in particular, I discovered that there are 3 ways to pass data as parameters in order to test class methods (InlineData, ClassData and ...
How to fix "ReferenceError: primordials is not defined" in Node.js
I have installed Node.js modules by 'npm install', and then I tried to do `gulp sass-watch` in a command prompt. After that, I got the below response. ``` [18:18:32] Requiring external module babel-re...
Disable "Try It Out" in Swagger
This question has been asked a lot for different languages. After a substantial amount of (fruitless) browsing Im feeling rather dumb but, I'll ask anyway This document refers to adding a Swagger plu...
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- 30 Apr at 05:45