
Generating a new ServiceStack React Project is missing SharpPagesFeature

I updated to the latest @servicestack/cli ``` npm install -g @servicestack/cli + @servicestack/cli@1.0.8 updated 5 packages in 5.862s ``` Ran the dotnet-new command: ``` C:\Projects\Personal> dotn...

23 Mar at 17:2

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am trying to run cv2, but when I try to import it, I get the following error: ``` ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ``` The suggested solution onlin...

2 Feb at 15:1

How do you do simple string concatenation in Terraform?

I must be being incredibly stupid but I can't figure out how to do simple string concatenation in Terraform. I have the following data `null_data_source`: ``` data "null_data_source" "api_gw_url" { ...

24 Aug at 10:57

ServiceStack AutoQuery crash on synthetic field

This is a follow up on: [ServiceStack AutoQuery synthetic field]( .NET Core empty web template on newest 5.x versi...

22 Mar at 18:7

Method not found: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceModel.Service.set_IsSLBPartialGS(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceModel.Expression)

Since a while I am facing the following error when trying to launch any kind of application with the Azure Emulator: ``` Microsoft Azure Tools: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceM...

26 Mar at 20:46

JWT token authentication fails with message "PII is hidden"

in my .net core 2.2 microservice, I try to extract claims from a JWT token to do some authorization. authentication is done on another part of the system so I don't need to do it at this point. I am...

Redundant comparison & "if" before assignment

Here is the example: ``` if(value != ageValue) { ageValue = value; } ``` I mean, if we assign the value of a variable to another one, why would we need to check if they have anyway the same value...

22 Mar at 20:30

Why does int i = 10; i / 0; compile, but 5 / 0 gives CS0020 - Division by constant zero?

Consider the following snippet: ``` int i = 5 / 0; ``` This gives compiler error , which is fine. However, the next snippet: ``` int i = 10; i = i / 0; ``` Compiles just fine. Does someone kno...

22 Mar at 12:56

How to Resize Center and Crop an image with ImageSharp

I need to convert some System.Drawing based code to use this .NET Core compatible library: []( The System.Drawing based...

22 Mar at 11:13

Is launchsettings.json in a dotnet core project used in production?

Is the launchsettings.json meant to be used in production or is it only for development purposes? The one that is created by default has ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT set to Development and also a localhost...

22 Mar at 08:2

Getting TypeError: '(slice(None, None, None), 0)' is an invalid key

Trying to plot the decision Boundary of the k-NN Classifier but is unable to do so getting `TypeError: '(slice(None, None, None), 0)' is an invalid key` ``` h = .01 # step size in the mesh # Create ...

15 Mar at 07:29

Image is not displaying in Google Colab while using imshow()

I am working on a project which requires functions from OpenCV to plot images. I am trying to display image using the below code in Google Colab. But nothing shows up in the output. Can anybody help m...

I'm getting a MailKit.Security.SslHandshakeException when trying to connect to ""

I am trying to use MailKit to send an email message via "". Here is the code I'm using. ``` using (var client = new SmtpClient(new ProtocolLogger("smtp.log"))) { client.ServerC...

21 Mar at 19:8

Avoid duplicate POSTs with .NET Core

I'm using POST in a .NET Core REST API to insert data on database. In my client application, when the user clicks a button, I disable this button. But sometimes, because some reason, the click of the ...

7 May at 08:20

How do I get second level public properties in ServiceStack

I have the following POCOs in my service model: ``` public class Personnel { ... [Ignore] [Reference] public List<Posting> _Postings { get; set; } } public class Posting { ... ...

21 Mar at 13:11

Net Core 2 equivalent of ChildActionOnly

What is equivalent of ChildActionOnly in MVC Net Core 2? I am migrating .Net 4.6.2 project to Net Core 2. ``` /// <returns></returns> [ChildActionOnly] public ActionResult Index() { ...

21 Mar at 00:11

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

Recently, when I compile my scss files I get an error. The error message says: > Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist` First, as the me...

12 Sep at 14:36

Reference Loop Handling Ignore not working on Asp.Net Core 3.0 Preview 3

I have been beating my head against a wall with this one, trying to find out why it won't work. I haven't been able to find anything on why it won't work, so I am asking here. I have a console applic...

19 Mar at 17:24

ServiceStack AutoQuery synthetic field

In the Northwind example's Customer DTO there is a field `Email` that is synthetic -- i.e. it doesn't come from the database. Code here: [

19 Mar at 16:44

Use Roslyn code analyzer in same solution

I have a solution comprised of several .NET Core projects. I have a few code analysis tasks I'd like to perform that are only applicable to this solution, so it doesn't make sense to put them in a se...

19 Mar at 15:11

Why derive from ControllerBase vs Controller for ASP.NET Core Web API?

I am following this tutorial for creating an ASP.NET Core Web API, and in the section on adding a controller, the tutorial gives code to replace the template code for a controller. One of the things t...

error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65

I've build a react-native application and suddenly I get this error message on my terminal during run of the command react-native run-ios. The same code work fine 10 minutes ago and suddenly I get thi...

19 Mar at 07:46

What is the equivalent of .Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled in EF Core?

What is the equivalent of .Configuration in Entity Framework Core? Receiving error below **Code Examples:** **Error Messages throughout:** >Error CS1061 'ModelDBContext' does not contain a definition ...

What is the equivalent of .WillCascadeOnDelete(false) in EF Core?

What is the equivalent of .WillCascadeOnDelete(false) in EF Core? ``` modelBuilder.Entity<ProductTransactionHistoryClassImport>() .HasMany(e => e.ProductTransactionHistoryClassDetailI...

Azure Function with AD auth results in 401 Unauthorized when using Bearer tokens

I have a very simple Azure function in C# for which I've setup Azure AD Auth. I've just used the Express settings to create an App registration in the Function configuration. ``` public static class ...