How to solve SocketException: Failed host lookup: '' (OS Error: No address associated with hostname, errno = 7)
Whenever I try to do an http call after about 20 seconds I get in the console the following error: ``` E/flutter ( 8274): [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/] Dart Error: Unhandled exception: ...
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- 20 Mar at 17:17
Select only specific fields with Linq (EF core)
I have a `DbContext` where I would like to run a query to return only specific columns, to avoid fetching all the data. The problem is that I would like to specify the column names with a set of strin...
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- 6 Feb at 08:41
SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync() succeeds, but User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false
I'm new to ASP.Net Core and trying to create an user authentication system. I'm using ASP.Net Core Identity user management. I have the below code for logging in an user. ``` public async Task<IAct...
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- 6 Feb at 06:30
Could not connect to redis Instance at hostname:6379 in docker-compose
I am starting a dotnet core app and redis using docker-compose. Redis hostname is set to container name used in the docker network. The redis connection manager in service stack is setup using the con...
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- 6 Feb at 05:15
Get pointer (IntPtr) from a Span<T> staying in safe mode
I would like to use Span and stackalloc to allocate an array of struct and pass it to an interop call. Is it possible to retrieve a pointer (IntPtr) from the Span without being unsafe ?
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- 5 Feb at 20:42
Cannot be cast to class - they are in unnamed module of loader 'app'
I'm trying to create a bean from sources that were generated by [wsdl2java]( Every time I try to run my Spring Boot app, I get the following error: > Caused ...
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- 6 Dec at 23:2
Checking kubernetes pod CPU and memory
I am trying to see how much memory and CPU is utilized by a kubernetes pod. I ran the following command for this: ``` kubectl top pod podname --namespace=default ``` I am getting the following erro...
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- 5 Feb at 10:16
Automatically bind pascal case c# model from snake case JSON in WebApi
I am trying to bind my PascalCased c# model from snake_cased JSON in WebApi v2 (full framework, not dot net core). Here's my api: ``` public class MyApi : ApiController { [HttpPost] public ...
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- 5 Feb at 06:1
When to null-check arguments with nullable reference types enabled
Given a function in a program using C# 8.0's nullable reference types feature, should I still be performing null checks on the arguments? ``` void Foo(string s, object o) { if (s == null) throw n...
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- 14 Jul at 03:24
.NET Core console app fails to run on Windows Server
I have a relatively simple .NET Core console app. It has no external dependencies. I build it using the following: dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 It generates a `\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.2\w...
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- 4 Jun at 03:41
Randomly getting Renci.SshNet.SftpClient.Connect throwing SshConnectionException
I've seen other threads about this error, but I am having this error randomly. Out of 30 connects, 12 got this error. Trying to understand why this is, and what possible solutions are. ``` using (Sf...
How do I add color to my svg image in react
I have a list of icons. I want to change the icons colors to white. By default my icons are black. Any suggestions guys? I normally use `'fill: white'` in my css but now that I am doing this in Reac...
How can I cast Memory<T> to another
We can cast `Span<T>` and `ReadOnlySpan<T>` to another using [MemoryMarshal.Cast]( method overloads. Like...
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- 4 Feb at 06:54
How to control which order the EF Core run custom migrations?
I am running an application that uses custom migrations (the auto generated ones don't fit my requirements). I am trying to understand how to control in which order the Entity Framework will run those...
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- 3 Feb at 08:38 Core Email confirmation sometimes says InvalidToken
I am using core identity 2.1 and i am having a random issue with email confirmation, which while email confirmation sometimes says . The token is also not expired. We are using , and we have...
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- 20 Feb at 12:9
Alternative to XML Documentation Comments in C#
When asking around for the conventions of documentation comments in C# code, the answer always leads to using XML comments. Microsoft recommends this approach themselves aswell. [https://learn.microso...
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- 2 Feb at 20:49
Typescript: Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'
When I make any property of an interface optional, and while assigning its member to some other variable like this: ``` interface Person { name?: string, age?: string, gender?: string, occupat...
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- 9 May at 12:24
Is it safe to call StateHasChanged() from an arbitrary thread?
Is it safe to call `StateHasChanged()` from an arbitrary thread? Let me give you some context. Imagine a Server-side Blazor/Razor Components application where you have: - `NewsProvider``BreakingNews...
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- 2 Feb at 23:43
What is the C# equivalent to Promise.all?
I would like to fetch data from multiple locations from Firebase Realtime Database like described [here]( and [here](
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- 4 Aug at 23:59
C# Jwt Token generation failed core 2.2
i am trying to generate token for userId, unfortunately i am not able to get it worked. This is my JwtTokenGenerator class ``` namespace WebApiDocker.Config.Jwt { //
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- 2 Feb at 11:8
Media query syntax for Reactjs
How do I do the following CSS media query in Reactjs? ``` .heading { text-align: right; /* media queries */ @media (max-width: 767px) { text-align: center; } @media (max-width: 400px) {...
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- 15 Jun at 21:16
error converting YAML to JSON, did not find expected key kubernetes
I am doing a lab about kubernetes in google cloud. I have create the YAML file, but when I am trying to deploy it a shell shows me this error: ``` error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 34: did ...
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- 7 Dec at 18:0
Typescript: Type X is missing the following properties from type Y length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more. [2740]
I have this Product interface: ``` export interface Product{ code: string; description: string; type: string; } ``` Service with method calling product endpoint: ``` public getProducts(): Obser...
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- 2 Jul at 12:58
What is wrong with this code. Why can't I use SqlConnection?
I am 100% newbie to SQl and wanted to make a ConsoleApp with the use of database. I read some about it and tried. When I needed to make SqlConnection, my VS 2019 Preview showed me this > Severity ...
How to solve Warning: React does not recognize the X prop on a DOM element
I'm using a thing called [react-firebase-js]( to handle firebase auth, but my understanding of react and of the provider-consumer idea is limited. I started with a bui...
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- 4 Feb at 16:42