
Are ValueTuples suitable as dictionary keys?

I'm thinking this could be a convenient dictionary: ``` var myDict = new Dictionary<(int, int), bool>(); ``` What would the hashes look like? What would the equivalent key type (struct) look like? ...

18 Dec at 10:31

Categories are not shown in PropertyGrid for a collection<T>, when all the properties of <T> are read-only

As the title says, I noticed that the categories are not shown in a **PropertyGrid* (in its default collection editor) for a collection(Of T), when all the properties of class "T" are read-only. The ...

18 Dec at 10:26

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib error running php after installing node with brew on Mac

I installed node using homebrew (Mojave), afterwards php stoped working and if I try to run `php -v` I get this error: ``` php -v dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dyli...

14 Jul at 12:33

How can I use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in an .NET Core console app?

I have a library that I would like to run on all platforms supported by .NET Core (Xamarin, Windows, Mac). And to do this I need to have a cross platform DI to handle the platform specific customizat...

Flutter/Dart: How to access a single entry in a map/object

This might be a very simple question but I am having trouble finding an answer. I have a object/map that I would not like to iterate but access a specific key/value at an index. For example: ``` var...

18 Dec at 00:37

React hooks useState Array

I tried looking for resetting `useState` array values in here but could not find any references to array values. Trying to change the drop down value from initial state to allowedState values. I am u...

22 Apr at 22:27

Flutter Multiline for text

All I need is my text to be multi-line. Am giving the property of `maxLines` but its still getting `RenderFlex` overflowed error to the right as the next is not going to 2nd line, ``` Align( alignmen...

17 Dec at 09:14

HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure

I was experimenting with a new feature that comes with .NET core sdk 2.2 that is supposedly meant to improve performance by around 400%. Impressive so I tried it out on my ABP () project `Template asp...

Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.RoleManager`

I writing code for adding roles to users in my core project Here is my Roles controller. ``` public class RolesController : Controller { RoleManager<IdentityRole> _roleManager; UserM...

16 Dec at 10:16

Why is my application becoming less responsive over time?

I'm debugging a C# application that becomes almost unresponsive after a few days. The application calculates memory/CPU usage every second and displays it in the footer of the main UI. The cause for ...

Add `host`, `basePath` and `schemes` to swagger.json using Swashbuckle Aspnetcore

I am using official doc step by step method to configure Swagger UI and generate Swagger JSON file in my ASP.NET core API application. [Get started with Swashbuckle and ASP.NET Core](https://learn.mi...

Add [title] to fillable property to allow mass assignment on [App\Post]

While inserting data in Mysql I have encountered the following error: Here is my code: ``` $post = Post::create([ 'title' => $request->input('title'), 'body' => $request->input('body') ]); ``` While...

8 Sep at 19:31

EFCore - How to have multiple navigation properties to the same type?

My model contains the classes Post and PostHistory, where Post has a one-to-many relationship with PostHistory. ``` class Post { public int Id { get; set; } public PostVersion CurrentVersion...

InvalidOperationException in Asp.Net MVC while using In-Memory Cache

I need to apply `In-Memory Cache` on my website with`.NetFramework 4.5.2` but I get this exception: > Unity.Exceptions.ResolutionFailedException: 'Resolution of the dependency failed, type = 'Tra...

How can I configure Visual Studio Code to run/debug .NET (dotnet) Core from the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)?

I've installed .NET Core 2.2 in the [Windows Subsystem for Linux]( (WSL) and created a new project. I've also installed the C# extension for V...

SignalR Core 2.2 CORS AllowAnyOrigin() breaking change

To connect via SignalR to an ASP.NET Core 2.1 server from any origin, we had to configure the pipeline as follows: ``` app.UseCors ( builder => builder .AllowAnyHeader () .AllowAnyMethod () ...

Avoiding the overhead of C# virtual calls

I have a few heavily optimized math functions that take `1-2 nanoseconds` to complete. These functions are called hundreds of millions of times per second, so call overhead is a concern, despite the a...

How to change Node.js version with nvm

I'm using [Yeoman]( to create a project. When I try to use [Gulp.js]( I run the command `gulp serve`. An error tel...

9 Aug at 16:59

How to cache internal service calls with Servicestack

Should it be possible to cache server responses to services calls done via Gateway.Send() from within another service? I've seen you comments stating that if I enable caching with [CacheResponse] att...

14 Dec at 16:44

Dotnet Core Multiple Startup Classes with In-Process Hosting

I have a dotnet core v.2.1 application that utilizes the "startup-class-by-environment-name-convention" to use different `Startup` classes for different environment, e.g. development, staging and prod...

18 Dec at 10:51

AssemblyVersion using * fails with error "wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism?"

I can't use `*` in assembly version; when I do I get the following compilation error: > The specified version string contains wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism. Either remove wildca...

20 Jan at 21:48

ServiceStack Trying to create my own OpenIdOAuthProvider but VS 2017 says assembly missing

Trying to create my own custom OpenId Auth provider, which will point to an IdentityServer service, but can't seem to find OpenIdOAuthProvider in the ServiceStack assembly. VS 2017 says Error CS00...

Do not display property in view

Is there an equivalent of the MVC `[HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]` in ServiceStack? I do not want a particular model property being displayed in a view. I have created my own HTML helper extensi...

15 Dec at 03:17

Cannot load V8 interface assembly. Load failure information for v8-ia32.dll

Cannot load V8 interface assembly. Load failure information for v8-ia32.dll: C:\Users\szymarad\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\vs\506fb4ab\b0850f51\assembly\dl3\28a19a82\00b1e3d3_a5add301\v...

14 Dec at 06:3

Properties slower than fields

It seems that every post I have come across comes to the same consensus: properties that merely return a field are inlined by JIT and have nearly identical performance to fields. However, this doesn'...

14 Dec at 19:14