How do you test for the non-existence of an element using jest and react-testing-library?
I have a component library that I'm writing unit tests for using Jest and react-testing-library. Based on certain props or events I want to verify that certain elements aren't being rendered. `getByT...
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- 12 Oct at 15:59
How to create an online-offline application using servicestack
I'm trying to figure out how to create an offline / online approch to use within a huge application. Right now, each part of the application has its own model and datalayer, who directly read / wr...
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- 12 Oct at 12:58
ReactNative Metro Bundler not starting automatically
`react-native run-android` not starting bundler so i tried `react-native start` it showing below error. ``` ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ...
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- 12 Oct at 10:20
How to get a SELECT DISTINCT on a SelectMulti query in ServiceStack OrmLite?
I'm trying to get a distinct result set of tuples, but the Distinct never gets added to query. Example ``` List<Tuple<Alpha, Beta>> results; var q = dbConn.From<Alpha>() .Join<Alpha, B...
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- 12 Oct at 09:6
ServiceStack.ServerEvents: Non-public subscriptions based on logged in user - how to structure and use SSE?
I have read all the docs regarding Server Side Events on ServiceStack, as well as search SO and googled about it, but I havent yet found an answer to: I am considering using the `ServerEventsFeatur...
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- 12 Oct at 08:53
Space between Column's children in Flutter
I have a `Column` widget with two `TextField` widgets as children and I want to have some space between both of them. I already tried `mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround`, but the resul...
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- 3 Jan at 03:57
Plotly chart not showing in Jupyter notebook
I have been trying to solve this issue for hours. I followed the steps on the [Plotly website]( and the chart still doesn't show in the no...
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- 5 Feb at 14:35
Change ServiceStack default format to JSON, but keep HTML format for SwaggerUI
Essentially, I want all of my responses returned in JSON by default, searched for an answer and stumbled upon this discussion: [ServiceStack default format](
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- 11 Oct at 20:28
Unable to 'select' new POCO from two source table using ServiceStack Orm Lite
I am attempting to select a POCO using data from multiple different source tables using [ServiceStack.OrmLite]( I'm following the general syntax ...
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- 11 Oct at 18:48
Accessing protected API on IdentityServer4 with Bearer Token
I have attempted to search for a solution to this problem, but have not found the right search text. My question is, how can I configure my IdentityServer so that it will also accept/authorize Api Re...
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- 11 Oct at 17:10
ServiceStack DateTime format problem with CsvRequestLogger
I'm using this setup: ``` public override void Configure(Container container) { ServiceStack.Text.JsConfig.EmitCamelCaseNames = true; ServiceStack.Text.JsConfig<DateTime>.SerializeFn = time => ne...
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- 11 Oct at 15:5
What is Task.RunSynchronously for?
I just wonder what's the method for? In what kind of scenario I can use this method. My initial thought is `RunSynchronously` is for calling an async method and running that synchronously without ca...
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- 11 Oct at 12:16
Importing images in TypeScript React - "Cannot find module"
I am trying to import images to use inside a React component with TypeScript. The bundler I'm using is Parcel (not Webpack). I have created a `.d.ts` file inside the project with the image file exten...
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- 11 Oct at 21:38
Override array settings in appsettings.json with those in appsettings.Production.json
I'm using ASP.NET Core 2.1. I have settings in [appsettings.json]( and I bind them to classes using the options pattern. I wan...
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- 11 Oct at 08:41
Operation of the mkdir command with dockerfile
I cannot create a directory with the mkdir command in a container with dockerfile. My Dockerfile file is simply ; ``` FROM php:fpm WORKDIR /var/www/html VOLUME ./code:/var/www/html RUN mkdir -p ...
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- 11 Oct at 07:2
ServiceStack Bug serializing GUIDs, numbers, etc. when value is default and SerializeFn is specified
When you try and serialize a Guid that is empty (not null, but empty) the result will be omitted if you set ExcludeDefaultValues = true. But, if you then set ExcludeDefaultValues = false it will gener...
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- 11 Oct at 02:13
Postman shows datetime as unknown format
I am using Servicestack and Ormlite for my project and testing with postman. The C# type I am using for my timestamps is DateTime and it processes the info correctly to and from the MySql database. W...
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- 11 Oct at 01:49
Span and two dimensional Arrays
Is it possible to use the new [System.Memory Span struct]( with two dimensional arrays of data? ``` double[,] testMulti = { { 1, 2...
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- 11 Oct at 00:42
Xamarin: Can not resolve reference: `System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions`, referenced by `MySqlConnector`.
I can't build my Xamarin Android project in Visual Studio 2017. I keep getting this error: ``` Can not resolve reference: `System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions`, referenced by `MySqlConnector`. Please...
- Modified
- 10 Oct at 19:55
How to Export CSV file from ASP.NET core
I am trying to migrate code from to core. Where as in code was like below, ``` var progresses = db.Progresses.Where(p => p.UserId == id).Include(p => p.User.UserMetaData).Inc...
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- 10 Oct at 14:33
ASP.NET Core 2.1 get current web hostname and port in Startup.cs
I want to register my WebAPI to Consul service discovery and for that I should provide URL of my WebAPI (for example: []( and health check endpoint ([http://ser...
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- 10 Oct at 13:53
Jwt Unable to valid issuer or audience
This is my token decoder. When I try to decode it, my principal ends up being null thus leading to this error: > 'IDX10208: Unable to validate audience. validationParameters.ValidAudience is null ...
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- 11 Oct at 00:52
How to chain methods in .net with async/await
I've started to learn functional programming and while chaining methods looks great (in my opinion) in normal cases, it really gets ugly when dealing with async/await ``` await (await (await CosmosDb...
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- 10 Oct at 10:33
What is the correct way to add date picker in flutter app?
In my app I am creating signup page where I need to add DOB. I want to add date picker in that but I am not getting correct way to do this.
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- 9 Oct at 18:49
ServiceStack Hot Reloading Typescript
I'm using .net core and ServiceStack Angular SPA project template, and I want to enable hot reloading. From what I saw on site [here]( I only need...
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- 9 Oct at 18:39