
Hangfire .NET Core - Get enqueued jobs list

Is there a method in the Hangfire API to get an enqueued job (probably by a Job id or something)? I have done some research on this, but I could not find anything. Please help me.

The Specified SDK "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" was not Found

So I'm using Rider without Visual Studio installed and its working fine for .NET but for .NET Core I'm getting the error: > Project 'Test2' load failed: Das angegebene SDK "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" wurde ni...

24 Feb at 08:17

Using a custom sink with ServiceStack.Logging.Serilog?

Is there a non-obvious way (to me at least) to add a custom sink e.g. MongoDB or MicrosoftTeams as part of instantiating the Serilog factory in the ServiceStack framework or will it be a case of rolli...

9 Aug at 22:8

append dictionary to data frame

I have a function, which returns a dictionary like this: ``` {'truth': 185.179993, 'day1': 197.22307753038834, 'day2': 197.26118010160317, 'day3': 197.19846975345905, 'day4': 197.1490578795196, 'day5...

9 Aug at 20:41

TryValidateModel in core throws Null Reference Exception while performing unit test

I'm trying to write unit tests for ModelState validation for an Asp.Net Core Web API. I read that, the best way to do so is to use `TryValidateModel` function. But, every time I run the unit test, it...

10 Aug at 04:34

Generic Repository or Specific Repository for each entity?

## Background At the company I work for I have been ordered to update an old MVC app and implement a repository pattern for a SQL database. I have created the context of the database using Entity ...

How to add Mime Types in ASP.NET Core

When developing an application using .NET Framework 4.6 (MVC4/5), I used to add custom mime types in the web.config file, like this (this is the actual mime types I need to add in my app): ``` <syste...

9 Aug at 19:48

Why do HTTPS requests produce SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error?

Here is my Python code: ``` import requests requests.get('') ``` This is the error: ``` requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retri...

2 Sep at 12:54

Is there a way to print a console message with Flutter?

I'm debugging an app, but I need to know some values in the fly, I was wondering if there's a way to print a message in console like console.log using Javascript. I appreciate the help.

9 Aug at 13:11

How to get user id from email address in Microsoft Graph API C#

I want to add User to a Group but I don't have the User's `id`, I only have the email address. Here is the code: ``` User userToAdd = await graphClient .Users["objectID"] .Request() .Get...

9 Aug at 13:30

exceptions in my service stack service not moving messages to dead letter queue

I have a service stack service with the standard service stack RabbitMQ abstraction. Message queues are automatically created for my type MyRequest, and I have a service method which I have set up to ...

10 Aug at 10:15

Element in unit tests left pending after completion

I'm seeing this warnings in Resharper after running tests, all the tests pass. > 2018.08.09 11:11:58.524 WARN Element Data.Tests.Infra.IntegrationTests.ResolvedIdentityTests was left pending aft...

9 Aug at 10:17

Why is there Console.Error() in C#, but no Console.Warning?

In C#, if we want to output an error to the console, we can simply write: ``` Console.Error.Write("Error!"); ``` But when I try to write a warning to the console, I found that there isn't any: ``` Co...

19 Jan at 00:57

Cancel or Delete Scheduled Job - HangFire

I have scheduled a Job via using Hangfire library. My scheduled Code like below. ``` BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => MyRepository.SomeMethod(2),TimeSpan.FromDays(7)); public static bool DownGradeUserPl...

19 Sep at 22:20

Multipart Content with refit

I am using multipart with Refit. I try to upload profile picture for my service the code generated from postman is looking like this ``` var client = new RestClient("

10 Aug at 15:9

System.InvalidOperationException: Value must be set. Setting Null Parameters for SQLite

I am using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 2.1.0 on .NETStandard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.1.0 to interact with a local SQLite database. SQLitePCL is mentioned in the exception and is also a dependency. I want to b...

3 Dec at 09:8

How to break ForEach Loop in TypeScript

I have a the below code, on which i am unable to break the loop on certain conditions. ``` function isVoteTally(): boolean { let count = false; => { ...

Where does .net core search for certificates on linux platform

On Windows, for .NET Framework classes we can specify `sslkeyrepository` as *SYSTEM/*USER.On `linux` where does the .NET Core classes search for the `certificates` by default and what could be the val...

How to use FirstOrDefaultAsync() in async await WEB API's

I have created one .NET Core API , where my all methods are asynchronous but there is one requirement like `GetBalance()` which just return one entity (record) only. I am not able to using `SingleOrDe...

ActionResult<IEnumerable<T>> has to return a List<T>

Take the following code using ASP.NET Core 2.1: ``` [HttpGet("/unresolved")] public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<UnresolvedIdentity>>> GetUnresolvedIdentities() { var results = await _ident...

Why does this code crash Visual Studio 2015?

For some reason, even so much as typing this into a C# file in Visual Studio is enough to cause it to instantly crash. Why? ``` unsafe struct node { node*[] child; } ``` It seems to occur when ...

.Net core HttpClient bug? SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

The following code runs without any error in a full .Net framework console program. However, it got the following error when running in .Net core 2.1. ``` class Program { static void Main(str...

7 Aug at 18:12

Error build VSTS: ## [error] Error: Unable to locate the 'nuget'

I created a test project with C# + SpecFlow and I am trying to build the solution through VSTS, however in Nuget Restore is presenting the error below. > 2018-08-07T15:29:39.6678023Z ##[error]Error: ...

13 Aug at 21:13

What are single and zero element tuples good for?

C# 7.0 introduced value tuples and also some language level support for them. They [added the support](

7 Aug at 09:8

c# Anonymous Interface Implementation

i've already seen this question a few times but i still don't get it. In Java, i can do this: ``` new Thread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Hello"); } })....

7 Aug at 09:5