Running unit tests with .NET Core MSTest: "The following TestContainer was not found..."
I've searched high and low and can't find answer to this Exception. [This question]( is the main one to come up when I search, but it doesn't address this i...
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- 10 Jul at 15:47
ServiceStack FallbackRoute failing with upgraded ServiceStack version
We upgraded our C# web services from ServiceStack V4.0.31 to V5.1.0. We're using the following packages in a linux environment with a monodevelop runtime. ``` <package id="ServiceStack" version="5.1....
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- 9 Jul at 21:45
What is difference between push based and pull based structures like IEnumerable<T> and IObservable<T>
In every tech talk, or in every blog post I've read about and I read that, is pull-based structure and is push-based structure. I've read that with we have async calls, where nothing is blocked...
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- 9 Jul at 21:19
How to resolve TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
- - - - ## Original Code ``` message = input("Enter a message you want to be revealed: ") secret_string = "" for char in message: secret_string += str(chr(char + 7429146)) print("Revealed", ...
MongoDB C# Driver Create Index
I just updated my MongoDB from version 2.5.0 to 2.7.0. Visual Studio tells me that the following way to create an index is obsolete: ``` protected override Task OnPerformMaintenanceAsync(CancellationT...
- Modified
- 16 Jan at 14:16
Execute bash command in pod with kubectl?
my question is simple. How to execute a bash command in the pod? I want to do everything with one bash command? ``` [root@master ~]# kubectl exec -it --namespace="tools" mongo-pod --bash -c "mongo" ...
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- 9 Jul at 14:10
Visual Studio Code: How debug Python script with arguments
I'm using Visual Studio Code in order to debug a Python script. Following [this guide](, I set up the argument in the `launch.json` file: [](https:/...
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- 20 Nov at 06:13
Show Toast over PhoneScreen in LockState
Our goal is to show a toast when an incomming call happens. Then the toast is visible the ". We tried different approches with like the same result: - - ``` <uses-permission android:name="andr...
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- 9 Jul at 09:42
Add dynamic to IList<T> fails
In the following code example the call `l.Add(s)` and `c.Add(s)` is successful, but it fails when for a generic `IList<string>`. ``` var l = new List<string>(); dynamic s = "s"; l.Add(s); ...
ServiceStack using DotNetStandard Service Model in .Net framework web project
We recently created a new DotNetCore web service using ServiceStack. The ServiceModel project is a DotNet Standard class library v2.0. I am getting compiling errors while referencing the new Servi...
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- 9 Jul at 06:29
How to debug ServiceStack integration tests on Visual Studio for Mac
I have a (service) project that runs on ServiceStack on ASP.NET Core that has some integration tests for it. The integration tests use a self hosted instance of the service to target. This uses `App...
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- 9 Jul at 10:10
.NET Core Blazor: How to get the Checkbox value if it is checked?
I am trying to find to get the checkbox value if it is checked using Blazor framework, but I couldn't find any method for it so far. When I put the binding in the checkbox, it is always checked. I cou...
How to change the default controller and action in ASP.NET Core API?
I'm creating an ASP.NET Core API app, and currently, and when one creates a new project there is a controller named Values, and by default the API opens it when you run. So, I deleted that controller ...
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- 8 Jul at 16:26
How does C# dynamically allocate memory for a List<T>?
From [LukeH's]( answer to [what is the max limit of data into list<string> in c#?](
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- 20 Jun at 09:12
Interceptor with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and web api 2 for cross cutting concerns like logging
We are using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in our web api2 for dependency injection. For cross cutting concerns like logging, we are of thought that aspect oriented programming sho...
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- 4 Mar at 21:42
Integration Test for Hosted Service in .NET Core
I have a QueueTask Hosted service (.NET Core's new background service) that I'd like to test. My queuedHosted service looks like so: ``` public QueuedHostedService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, I...
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- 30 Jul at 02:47
Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured
I am working on a example with MongoDB and I have already started the `mongod` server. When I launch my application, I am getting the error below. Any pointers for this issue? ``` ****************...
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- 30 Sep at 15:44
Fiddler not capturing traffic from .Net Core
I have a console app that calls a number of 3rd party services via HTTP/HTTPS that was originally written to run under the .Net Framework. Fiddler works fine with that version of the app, capturing al...
Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve
Newly installed is giving strange dependencies error when making a new project and compiling for very first time. A similar [question](
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- 6 Jul at 22:55
Await async C# method from PowerShell
I want to call a static async C# method from PowerShell by using the static member accessor, such as: ``` function CallMyStaticMethod([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$myParam) { ... [My...
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- 6 Jul at 22:28
Action <T> usage as parameter
I just started with .net core and found `Action<T>` used everywhere. I have provide sample code from Swagger code block below. My question is what is the use of using `Action<T>` here? I need to pass ...
The input was not valid .Net Core Web API
I am facing a weird issue and almost spent 4 hours with no luck. I have a simple Web API which I am calling on form submit. API- ``` // POST: api/Tool [HttpPost] public void Post([FromBody] Object ...
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- 6 Jul at 13:36
Build DLL to a separate folder
> There are several questions similar to this, but have answers that solved my problem nor can I post in them. The closest one is in [this question]( ...
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- 6 Jul at 13:10
Async methods which are marked as “ExcludeFromCodeCoverage” still shown as not covered in Sonarqube
I have a Windows service which has few async methods in it. I'm writing unit test cases for all these methods. For one async method, I do not want to write any test cases, so I have decorated that met...
- Modified
- 22 Aug at 06:30
AutoQuery can't query nested object
AutoQuery could not find field I have the following clases: ``` [Route("/query/domains")] public class QueryDomains : QueryDb<Domain, DomainList> { public int MajesticApiDataTF { get; set; } } ...
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- 7 Jul at 01:20