
.NET Maui Get screen Y and X

I cant seem to find how to get the screen size of the screen. I tried the Xamarin forms way: ```csharp mainDisplayInfo.Height; ``` Maui for windows doesnt work like this, anyone know how I ca...

3 May at 07:39

MediatR IPipelineBehavior<TRequest, TResponse> errors as The type 'TRequest' cannot be used as type parameter 'TRequest' in the generic type or method

I'm using `MediatR` to do Request - Response logging in my application using `IPipelineBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>` ``` internal sealed class AppLoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse> : IPipelineBeha...

10 Jan at 14:53

SQL Server Pre-Login Handshake (error: 31 - Encryption(ssl/tls) handshake failed)

I have a SQL serverand the following code in a .NET Core Web Api controller: Locally this code works without issues but when executing in Azure's App service it breaks when opening the connection with...

How to say Datetime - timestamp without time zone in EF Core 6.0

I migrate an ASP.NET Core project from 3.1 to 6.0. I have copied old migration and pasted it to our new version Migration on EF Core 3.1 (old) ``` migrationBuilder.AddColumn<DateTime>( ...

.NET Core 6 - How to get an ILogger instance without Dependency Injection in Program.cs during Startup

I've updated the content of my original question as I was starting to cause some confusion amongst the people trying to help me. I am using the library "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore" to se...

Is it possible to use Entity Framework Core 6 with MongoDb?

Is it possible to use EF Core 6 in combination with a MongoDb? From what I'v gathered online, I could only find answers from a few years ago that say that it's still not possible, but nothing that was...

How to create MVC5 web project in visual studio 2022

I just installed Visual Studio 2022 and I wanted to create a .Net Framework standard MVC5 web application project but, surprisingly, no option exists in the visual studio 2022 startup project template...

7 Jan at 04:18

How To Resolve Error: Required properties '{'Prop1', 'Prop2'}' are missing for the instance of entity type 'SomeType''?

: how to resolve this error: > Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: Required properties '{'Prop1', 'Prop2'}' are missing for the instance of entity type 'SomeEntity' with the key value '{I...

5 Jan at 23:30

Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy 6.0.1 - ASPNETCORE_HOSTINGSTARTUPASSEMBLIES - System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI is empty

I get the following error when trying to add `Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy 6.0.1` NuGet on start: > fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[13] Connection id "X", Request id "Y:00000001": An unhand...

5 Jan at 15:33

How to seed data in .NET Core 6 with Entity Framework?

I know how to seed data to a database with old in `startup.cs` file using my `Seeder` class with a `Seed()` method creating some initial data. ``` public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHost...

Unauthorized (Invalid Token) when authenticating with JWT Bearer Token after update to .NET 6

After updating the package `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer` from version 3.1.14 to 6.0.1, requests with authentication fail with 401 Unauthorized "invalid token". What needs to be chang...

4 Jan at 13:3

Adding Entity Framework Model on Visual Studio 2022

I am using Visual Studio 2022 with.Net 6.0, I installed Entity Framework 6.4.4 after adding it when I create an Entity Framework model. I am getting a Popup message saying that. >The project's target ...

1 Sep at 10:51

Getting 400 error when running basic auth test on apphost

I have an apphost ``` public class LocalTestAppHost : AppSelfHostBase { public LocalTestAppHost() : base(nameof(LocalTestAppHost), typeof(MyServices).Assembly, typeof(LocalTestAppHost).Ass...

1 Jan at 19:42

How to enable cors in ASP.NET Core 6.0 Web API project?

Configured CORS in my ASP.NET Core 6.0 Web API project. But the preflight request receives a http 405 error. In other words HTTP OPTION is not allowed. Looks like cors is not enabled. I've seen exampl...

How to use dependency injection in WinForms

How to define dependency injection in Winforms C#? Interface ICategory: ``` public interface ICategory { void Save(); } ``` Class CategoryRepository: ``` public class CategoryRepository : ICatego...

24 Dec at 22:10

Compiling C# project to WebAssembly

I need to compile a C# project to WebAssembly and be able to call some methods from JavaScript. I want to use it in an old ASP.NET MVC 4 application that needs to add some new features and I prefer to...

24 Dec at 16:14

Servicestack Test: Method not found: 'Int32 ServiceStack.DataAnnotations.CustomFieldAttribute.get_Order()

Trying to build integration test with connection to db in ServiceStack. My ServiceStack app is working fine, but when I run simple test I got this error message in line:22 There is a lite cod: ``` us...

How to automatically create missing indexes?

``` [Alias("MyTable")] // [References(typeof(MyModelGlobalIndex))] public class MyModel { [HashKey] public new long Id { get; set; } public new long EventId { get; set; } public Meet...

21 Dec at 18:26

Delete orphans in Servicestack ORMLite with junction/join table

I've got a three table keyword structure Team <- TeamKeyword -> Keyword where the middle table is the junction table (join table). I'd like to remove possible orphans from Keyword (not in use in TeamK...

21 Dec at 16:19

Unable to find package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore. No packages exist with this id: Visual Studio Offline Packages

I am struggling with a project I just created on Visual Studio 2019. It's a .net C# project. When I launch the project I get this error : "Unable to find package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore. No packa...

2 May at 14:12

How to inject IConfiguration in core 6

There is no Startup.cs in the web/api application any more. We used to be able to inject `IConfiguration` into that `Startup` class. ``` public class Startup { public Startup(IConfiguration config...

21 Dec at 15:15

Init-only reference properties with nullable enabled in C# 10.0

I tried to use init-only properties to force client code to initialize my class when they create it, but without a constructor. It's not working as I planned. Here's the class, stripped down to illus...

20 Dec at 22:38

Why in C# do I get a compiler warning CS8618 on init properties

I have this code With the following compiler warning: > [CS8618] Non-nullable property 'SomeProperty' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullabl...

My System.CommandLine app won't build! It can't find a CommandHandler. Do I need to write it?

I am using VS 2022, .Net 6.0, and trying to build my first app using `System.CommandLine`. Problem: when I build it, I get an error > The name 'CommandHandler' does not exist in the current context Th...

18 Dec at 06:53

ServiceStack OrmLite SelectMulti same table

This is a bit related to this question: [Joining same table multiple times in ServiceStack.OrmLite](

16 Dec at 04:26