
How implementation DDD with EF Core ...

I've returned to using EF Core for a DDD project after a long time away. Previously, I worked with Spring. Implementing DDD with EF Core seems more challenging than I expected, particularly for com...

3 May at 17:35

Websocket in dotnet with API Gateway and Fargate?

I'm building an ASP.NET core project. The bulk of it is a REST API, which we have deployed in a Fargate Container behind API Gateway. Those are partly client requirements, not my decision. For part...

3 May at 17:34

PDF chunking for vector embeddings options?

I'm building a RAG on dotnet web api and looking for library/libraries that can take in a PDF and create text for vector embeddings (and possibly do the splitting strategy). Does anyone have any recom...

3 May at 17:33

In Windows we have IIS but what do we run dotnet websites when in Linux

Just curious what alternatives people use to run there app on linux hosting if not in azure? Is the standard these days some kind of plesk install

3 May at 17:32

LDAP integration in dotnet 6.0

We have a Web Api project in Dot Net 6.0 which is being hosted in Docker Linux Container and deployed in AWS ECS. Since the **System.DirectoryServices** only works on Windows , we have tried to use...

3 May at 17:31

Is this a misuse of Dispose?

I'm reviewing a class that implements `IDispose` and therefore has a Dispose method. In the constructor of this class we open a DB transaction. In the dispose method we commit the transaction and exe...

Best way to build static site?

I am a fresh graduate new to dotnet, C#. I am mostly building APIs and web apps using MVC for the past few months for my job. Now, I've got a client who needs a few static websites. What would be th...

3 May at 16:7

How to open an Angular+.NET project in Visual Studio GUI after creating it in VSC?

I have a [Angular+.NET](https://Angular+.NET) project where the 'client' folder holds the Angular files and 'api' folder has the .NET project. I started working on it in Visual Studio Code and jus...

3 May at 16:7

Web app container running .net with SMB access?

Has anyone managed to run .net code in a docker container running on an azure web app that can connect to a share using SMB? I'm looking to move some work loads to web apps rather than AKS for now....

3 May at 16:6

Settle an Argument (Logical/Physical Layers, Clean Architecture, etc).

A colleague and I are going through an exercise of developing guidance around practices and conventions for writing Clean Architecture projects in our organization. We have project structure as fol...

Piece of code that can kill computer performance

I'm searching for code in c# that can kill computer performance (CPU performance, maybe cpu - memory link performance too) as much as it is possible (it will run on 4 core box so I'm going to create 4...

30 Apr at 13:37

ComboBox SelectedItem binding not updating

I'm a bit puzzled: this works: ```xml ``` and the property for SelectedRol is: ```csharp public TblRollen SelectedRol { get { return _selectedRol; } set { ...

30 Apr at 13:36

Reformat SQLGeography polygons to JSON

I am building a web service that serves geographic boundary data in JSON format. The geographic data is stored in an SQL Server 2008 R2 database using the geography type in a table. I use `[ColumnN...

30 Apr at 13:35

Add web service reference from behind a proxy server

I'm using vs2010. In a simple console app I try to add a service reference to `http://***/service1.asmx` , old asmx service. My computer is behind a proxy server, so i get an error : > "The remo...

30 Apr at 13:34

No more post back after file download in sharepoint

I tried to download a file from sharepoint. But after I download this file, I can't click on other buttons. What is wrong with my coding? **This is my first way.** ```csharp Response.AppendHe...

30 Apr at 13:34

Sleep task (System.Threading.Tasks)

I need to create thread which will replace photo in [Windows Forms][1] window, than waits for *~1second* and restore the previous photo. I thought that the following code: ```csharp TaskSchedul...

Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it

In my .net c# program i draw few lines using values from text boxes (i use DrawLine function). I want to be able to move one of this lines by clik on it and move this line with mouse - is it possible?...

30 Apr at 13:31

Find node when traversing tree

I want to implement a method that will enable me to find a node in a tree. The way I do it is recursively using global variables to know when to stop. **I have the class:** ```csharp class Nod...

30 Apr at 13:30

Why use events for what I can do with Delegates?

I know Events are always associated with Delegates. But, I am missing some core use of Events, and trying to understand that. I created a simple Event program, as below, and it works perfectly fine...

30 Apr at 13:28

Sharing DTOs between my API, Blazor web app and WPF client

I have recently been revisiting a project from a year ago where I had an ASP.NET web API and a WPF client. The WPF client would call the API and each project had a separate models folder where I dupli...

3 May at 15:59

How to handle no matches case in List.First in c#?

In [IEnumerable.First][1] function, how do I handle the case if there are no matches? Currently it just crashes... ```csharp MySPListItem firstItem = itemCollection.First(item => !item.isFolder); ...

30 Apr at 13:26

GridView Command Arguments out of sync after dynamic row inserts

I have a gridview (for displaying data only) with multiple LinkButton objects in each row. In the gridview's DataBound function, I iterate through the rows of the gridview and dynamically to add new "...

3 May at 14:34

Calling multiple external apis.

I'm creating two azure functions, and each one will call different external api. I'm wondering about approach to this. I currently have a `IApiService` and `ApiService` which basically is doing th...

3 May at 14:33

C# how to convert WORD to PDF?

I'm searching for free method to convert word to pdf. I searched for free cli tools, for libraries, but there is no free method i found. I only found this library from nuget - "Microsoft.Office.Intero...

3 May at 14:29

c# csvreader delimiter in value

How parse csv with text in? example csv: ```csv name;comment;count; firstName;LastName;someComment;5 ``` I found on the net that you need to escape the value in the column with the symbol ...

3 May at 14:15