
In C# Convert List<dynamic> to List<string>

Suppose I have a `List<dynamic>` object containing strings: ``` var dlist = new List<dynamic>() { "test", "test2", "test3" }; ``` Is there any efficient way of converting this into a pr...

2 Feb at 15:49

Subscribe user to a SSE channel in ServiceStack

I'm trying to figure out how can I subscribe a just-authenticated user to a SSE channel using the ServiceStack's `OnAuthenticated` function. Here is my actual code: ``` public override void OnAuthent...

5 Mar at 10:27

Increase Servicestack Concurrent Process

I have following Service: ``` public class ServerApp : AppHostHttpListenerPoolBase { public ServerApp() : base("Server", 500, typeof(TestService).Assembly) { } ...

5 Mar at 09:2

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json' Version=

I have read a lot of the responses to previous versions of this issue but none seem to work. Every time I open my script component in Visual Studio 2015 (v14.0.25431.01 update 3) it tells me I am mis...

ChromeDriver showing Lost UI Shared Context

I have a Windows 10 laptop running a Windows 7 Virtual Machine. Inside the Virtual Machine, when i start the WebDriver, it gives the error when it is started: ``` IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDrive...

how to add a new c# file to a project using dotnet-cli

I'm learning how to use dotnet-cli with VSCode. I've seen many commands on how to create solution, projects, add reference to projects... but I don't see anywhere in the documentation how to add a fil...

3 Mar at 18:3

.NET Analyzer: Package Version vs Assembly Version

As you can see in the following picture when you create a project of type Analyzer with Code Fix (.NET Standard) using VS 2017, in the properties tab of the project there is package version, assembly ...

3 Mar at 12:20

Fill DataTable asynchronously?

I have the following function in a .NET Core 2.0 app. ``` public DataTable CallDb(string connStr, string sql) { var dt = new DataTable(); var da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connStr); da.Fil...

2 Mar at 23:5

How to make Swagger show examples of objects returned from the API?

I am creating a set of API's for the first time. Here's one of the methods: ``` // GET: api/Doors/0 /// <summary> /// Get a list of all doors for a given organization. /// </summary> ...

2 Mar at 20:12

Handling dates and datetimes in ServiceStack's Ormlite

I am using `Ormlite.Oracle` to do something like this: ``` using (var db = dbFactory.Open()) { var events = db.From<Event>() .Where(row => row.Event_...

2 Mar at 19:10

How to return JSON in an ApiController for a single method?

Currently, my `ApiController`s are returning XML as a response, but for a single method, I want to return JSON. i.e. I can't make a global change to force responses as JSON. ``` public class CarContr...

No constructor found for Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.LabelRenderer (xamarin forms)

I have a list of image in my xaml on pcl project when I test my app in my samsumg galaxy s5 device I do this: I enter in the page of the list, then I press the back button on the action bar...I do it ...

EF Core one-to-zero relationship one way

Can a relationship one-to-one be created only one way? ``` public class Class1 { [Key] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public int Class1Id { get; set; } ... } publi...

25 Feb at 08:24

Add certificate on request with RestSharp

I'm trying to communicate with a server. This server send me a certificate and a private key in order to execute my request successfully. To test the server, I use [Postman](

2 Mar at 12:30

SQL ISNULL equivalent in ormlite

is there an equivalent of `ISNULL` in SQL for `OrmLite`? I tried adding ``` [Default(typeof(int),"-1")] ``` to my class model, but had no luck.. I'm working with `MVC5` and `C#`

3 Mar at 16:49

ServiceStack Razor Response Filter

I Write a ServiceStack Razor Page named 'default.cshtml'. I want to add a global response filter on it running, but it not work right. how to fixed it? [](

2 Mar at 10:2

How to get date ticks in a javaScript?

I have such a code in the C#: ``` public static decimal StringDateToDecimal(this string stringDate) { var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("ru-Ru"); var date = DateTime.Parse(stringDate, culture...

1 Mar at 17:54

How can I add a custom JSON file into IConfiguration?

I'm using + Autofac. I'm trying to load a custom JSON configuration file, and either create/instance an IConfiguration instance based on that, or at least include my file into whatever IConfi...

20 Feb at 12:15

Prevent screen from sleeping with C#

I have created a small C# console app to move the pointer around the screen, in the hope that this would prevent the screen from sleeping / locking after a few minutes. Unfortunately the screen still ...

1 Mar at 09:6

AddSigningCredential for IdentityServer4

We are using IdentityServer4 with .NET Core Web Application("[](

5 Apr at 21:40

Is it OK to have one handler call another when using MediatR?

Or is that considered bad practice or something? I have one notification triggers 4-5 handlers, which in turn call database to retrieve data. Each those calls can also be called separately, so the...

5 Mar at 07:11

ServiceStack ORMLite encoding issue after upgrade

We have just upgraded some software we have from ServiceStack 4.0.62 to ServiceStack For some reason ormlite's encoding management seem to have changed. Code that simply saves a DTO with a ...

1 Mar at 00:15

How to send Parameter/Query in HubConnection SignalR Core

I'm trying to add parameter into connection to signalr. I'm using Builder to create my Client connection and start it: ``` var connection = new HubConnectionBuilder() .WithUrl("http://10.0.2...

1 Mar at 11:25

External json vulnerable because of Json.Net TypeNameHandling auto?

I'm operating a small website where users can upload custom "objects" defined in JSON. Recently I've learned about possible threats using JSON with automatic type deserialization: [JSON problem](https...

1 Mar at 10:20

ServiceStack - Force generation of Typescript types for certain classes

I'm working with a backend primarily focused on a ServiceStack API and a Typescript frontend (with the ServiceStack `JsonServiceClient`) interacting with it. This is a large project, so the ability to...