FtpWebRequest 30 minute time out
My code is experiencing a time out exception after exactly 30 minutes when downloading a large file over FTP. The server is [FileZilla](https://filezilla-project.org/) running on Windows. We have an S...
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- 27 Feb at 15:53
How to access Route Data / Value Provider data in a service in ASP.NET Core?
I am attempting to write a [Policy-based Authorization Handler](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authorization/policies). The business logic of the handler needs to use the recor...
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- 26 Mar at 21:5
How to switch process in Visual Studio Diagnostic Tools Window?
In Visual Studio 2017 I would like to use the window to analyze my unit tests (x64), written in C#. However it always displays the message > Multiple processes have been debugged. This window only s...
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- 17 Apr at 12:14
UTF-8 CSV file created with C# shows  characters in Excel
When a CSV file is generated using C# and opened in Microsoft Excel it displays  characters before special symbols e.g. £ In Notepad++ the hex value for  is: C2 So before writing the £ symbol to ...
ServiceStack/NativeScript: Error saying "Cannot find name 'RequestMode'" for servicestack-client
I had the Groceries app working (NativeScript/Angular2) and then decided to replace some service calls with calls to a ServiceStack backend. So, I followed some instructions on [ServiceStack.net](http...
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- 9 Jul at 10:7
ServiceStack/TypeScript: The typescript-ref ignores namespaces (this causing duplicates)
I am learning NativeScript + Angular2 with ServiceStack in C# as the backend. For the app, I generated TypeScript classes using the `typescript-ref` command, for use with the `JsonServiceClient` in ...
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- 10 Mar at 07:15
ServiceStack's Funq type registration via reflection?
I've used Castle Windsor quite a bit. It has a really handy facility for registering types via reflection. So for example, I would do things like this at application startup: ``` container.Register...
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- 14 Feb at 17:51
If (instance) / implicit boolean conversion on a custom class
I have the following class: My question is: Can I check if Value is true, without `== true`? The operator override works, but can I also use it like so? Instead of (this works, but normally I omit the...
- Modified
- 6 May at 20:41
ASPNET_REGIIS: Place AES key and IV into a KeyContainer
Is it possible to place an AES key and IV into a KeyContainer using ASPNET_REGIIS? If yes, how? I have created AesProtectedConfigurationProvider to encrypt web.config data using AES as opposed to T...
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- 1 Mar at 05:52
C# - Sending Email - STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:OutboundSpamException
I am writing a small utility to help process some MySQL tasks every night and have it email my personal email if it fails (this is a personal project, so no company smtp server or anything, emails goi...
Singleton httpclient vs creating new httpclient request
I am trying to create layer for webservice using HttpClient in my `Xamarin.Forms` mobile app. 1. without singlton pattern 2. with singleton pattern in approach i am creating new http client obje...
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- 14 Feb at 06:8
Why do my ServiceStack APIs seem to use an in memory Bearertoken for refresh until it expires
I have JWT Token based stateless Auth architecture. My client includes a valid RefreshToken token in all HTTP Requests to my ServiceStack APIs. The RefreshToken has a 7 day expiration, something lik...
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- 14 Feb at 02:49
ServiceStack: AuthUser vs IAuthSession - how do I retrieve the AuthUser?
In previous Stack Overflow questions, @mythz tells about the Meta dictionary in the "UserAuth table". However, I cannot find any information on where the UserAuth "table" is or where the object can be...
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- 2 Dec at 21:24
How to download file created in Colaboratory workspace?
I found many hints how to upload data into [Colaboratory](https://colab.research.google.com). But now I want to do opposite -> I want to download .csv I've created in Colaboratory workspace. How to ...
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- 13 Feb at 19:30
Servicestack serverless example - authenticated services fail
We are trying to send another coder an example web page which contains javascript that authenticates to our ServiceStack service and then runs a sample service. That code fails when run in Chrome and ...
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- 14 Feb at 13:9
Using Moq, System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'Castle.Proxies.ObjectProxy' to type
Can someone help me to fix this error message please? I don't understand why the cast doesn't work: > Message: System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'Castle.Proxies.ObjectProx...
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- 13 Feb at 18:49
Localization of RequiredAttribute in ASP.NET Core 2.0
I'm struggling with localization in my new .NET Core project. I have 2 projects: - - I do not want to have separate language files for Models/Views etc. Microsofts documentation is not very clea...
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- 13 Feb at 15:32
Entity Framework Core: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed
I'm working on a ASP.Net Core 2.0 project using Entity Framework Core ``` <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="2.0.1" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFr...
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- 8 Oct at 12:40
Move window when external application's window moves
I've got an always on-top application (basically a status display) that I want to follow around another program and always sit just to the left of the minimize button. I can get the `Rect` representi...
System.Security.Permissions missing when invoking JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T> in .NET Core 2.0
I am currently looking at using .NET Core 2.0 so that I can run my app on multiple platforms. One thing I need to do is take an incoming string and deseralise it into an object. e.g. ``` var result...
Operator '||' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool?' and 'bool?'
I want to check if one of two strings contains a partial string. Knowing that firstString or secondString can be null, I tried the following: ``` string firstString= getValue(); string secondString...
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- 15 Feb at 12:32
#if DEBUG vs if (env.IsDevelopment())
It seems that [Preprocessor Directives](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/preprocessor-directives/preprocessor-if) (`#if DEBUG`) and [ASP.NET Core Environment Name](ht...
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- 12 Feb at 20:57
ServiceStack: Several logins from different devices (phone, web etc) - I want one session per device
The problem: it seems to me, like the normal and best way to look at sessions is: . So, you can have one session alive per device, meaning one session per web browser, per phone, tablet etc. You shoul...
- Modified
- 16 Aug at 23:32
Why does RedisManager property removed from ServiceStack/Service.cs file?
Previously we had a RedisManager property in the version of 4.0.50 but in the latest version this property is removed. Can anyone know why it is been removed? What is the replacement for it?
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- 12 Feb at 16:20
Swagger TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body
I have added Swagger to my Spring Boot 2 application: This is my Swagger config: ``` @Configuration @EnableSwagger2 public class SwaggerConfig { @Bean public Docket api() { // @form...
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- 28 Jan at 15:59