Apply all IEntityTypeConfiguration derived classes in EF Core
Does anyone know of a way or have an implementation to apply ALL classes that derive from `IEntityTypeConfiguration` to the `DbContext` at runtime? There doesn't seem to be anything built in and loadi...
- Modified
- 5 May at 16:51
Issue with RestSharp installation in Visual-Studio 2013
I am trying to use `RestSharp` in my C# Visual-Studio 2013 project to POST data at a given URL. When i try to install the package via NuGet it gives me the following error: ``` Installing 'RestSharp ...
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- 5 Dec at 10:37
ServiceStack captures HTTP 500 internal error from Kestrel?
I have a self-host app basing on [ServiceStack.Core](, the `ServiceStack.AppSelfHostBase` from [ServiceStack.Kestrel](
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- 6 Dec at 08:33
Where do I find the new Span<T>?
Everyone is writing about how great the new type `Span<T>` is so I eagerly wanted to start rewriting a couple of methods in my libraries but where do I actually find it? I've updated Visual Studio 201...
Get a specific response header (e.g., Content-Disposition) in Angular from an ASP.NET Web API 2 response for a cross-origin http.get request
I cannot get a specific header (`Content-Disposition`) when I'm accessing it via an Angular service. CORS is enabled and the Angular HTTPClient is set to retrieve ALL headers. ``` public void Conf...
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- 5 Dec at 22:18
How to make readonly structs XML serializable?
I have an immutable struct with only one field: ``` struct MyStruct { private readonly double number; public MyStruct(double number) => this.number = number; } ``` And I want this ...
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- 12 Apr at 11:22
How to get returned value without await opeartor
I need to get the returned value without await operator(in below sample I need to get the `"hello world"` in `var y` without await operator). Because one method is referred to a lot of places.But my r...
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- 5 Dec at 07:47
Dapper UpdateAsync ignore column
I am trying to update with Dapper.Contrib this table: ``` public class MyTable { public int ID { get; set; } public int SomeColumn1 { get; set; } public int SomeColumn2 { get; set; } ...
- Modified
- 9 Oct at 14:27
ServiceStack AutoQuery - Check for null in nullable DateTime-field
I user ServiceStack autoquery to load information. I have a class like this one: ``` public class QueryItem: QueryDb<Item> { public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime? BirthdayNotEqual...
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- 4 Dec at 13:19
What is nextTick and what does it do in Vue.js?
I read [the docs](, but I still can't understand it. I know what `data`, `computed`, `watch`, `methods` do, but what is `nextTick()` used for in Vue.js?
Relationship between dpi and figure size
I have created a figure using `matplotlib` but I have realized the plot axis and the drawn line gets zoomed out. []( Reading this [earlier discussion thread](https:...
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- 3 Nov at 12:35
How to determine C# compiler version in command line
Is there any command to get the C# compiler version? The `csc` command seams has no option to show compiler version. P.S when I enter `csc` command in **Developer Command Prompt For VS2015** it return...
- Modified
- 18 Jul at 07:43
pip install returning invalid syntax
I've just installed python 3.6 which comes with pip However, in Windows command prompt, when I do: 'pip install bs4' it returns 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax' under the install word. Typing 'python' ...
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- 4 Dec at 12:11
Can you remove Identity from a primary key with Entity Framework 6?
I created a table via entity framework code-first with a primary key set to auto increment, but now I want to remove that auto-incrementing from the column. I've tried doing that with both fluent API:...
- Modified
- 7 May at 03:56
Is C# LINQ OrderBy threadsafe when used with ConcurrentDictionary<Tkey, TValue>?
My working assumption is that LINQ is thread-safe when used with the collections (including ). (Other Overflow posts seem to agree: [link]( However, an...
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- 2 Feb at 01:13
How to check java version at linux (RedHat6)
[]( I am trying to check what java version I have installed in my linux machine, I have tried: ``` which java ``` and I get: ``` /usr/bin/java ``` but when ...
getting the request body inside HttpContext from a Middleware in core 2.0
I am having a simple middleware which fetches the body of the request and store it in a string. It is reading fine the stream, but the issue is it wont call my controller which called just after I rea...
- Modified
- 4 Dec at 00:49
Please select a valid startup item
I have migrated from Visual Studio 2008 to VS 2017. I am getting this error when I try to run project with the green play button: []( Obviously I have to select ...
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- 3 Dec at 20:19
ASP.Net Core LogLevel not working
I'm having trouble getting the logger to work like i want it to. I've set the loglevel to warning, but the console window is still bloated with info logs. I've provided some examples below, nothing e...
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- 4 Dec at 08:42
Azure Web App. The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process
My app works well locally but I've got an error when I deployed it on Azure Web App: ``` The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process. ``` My app is a .N...
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- 26 Feb at 02:37
How to use a controller in another assembly in ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0?
For the sake of modularity, I have created some controllers in different assemblies. Each assembly represents a bounded context (a module, a sub-system, a division, etc.) of the overall system. Each ...
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- 3 Dec at 11:44
forEach() in React JSX does not output any HTML
I have a object that I want to output via React: ``` question = { text: "Is this a good question?", answers: [ "Yes", "No", "I don't know" ] } ``` and my react compon...
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- 26 Feb at 13:34
docker-compose, run a script after container has started?
I have a service that I am bringing up through Rancher via docker-compose. The issue I am running into is that I need to set a password after the container has been deployed. The way rancher secrets ...
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- 3 Dec at 06:3
How do I get a Unity Scroll Rect to scroll to the bottom after the content's Rect Transform is updated by a Content Size Fitter?
I have a vertical scroll view that I want to add content to dynamically. In order to do this I've attached a Content Size Fitter component and a Vertical Layout Group component to the Content game obj...
react-scripts: command not found
I am currently trying to use create-react-app which uses three different packages: react, react-scripts and react-dom. I have installed create-react-app and then when I change into the directory and h...
- Modified
- 8 Jun at 19:23