
How to create a <style> tag with Javascript?

I'm looking for a way to insert a `<style>` tag into an HTML page with JavaScript. The best way I found so far: ``` var divNode = document.createElement("div"); divNode.innerHTML = "<br><style>h1 { ...

2 Jan at 10:40

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

What are the options to generate .NET 4.0 c# classes (entities) from an xsd file, using Visual Studio 2010?

16 Mar at 16:12

Convert multiple rows into one with comma as separator

If I issue `SELECT username FROM Users` I get this result: but what I really need is row with all the values separated by comma, like this: How do I do this?

20 May at 16:7

IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity

We have recently upgraded to IIS7 as a core web server and I need an overview in terms of the permissions. Previously, when needing to write to the file system I would have give the AppPool user (Netw...

23 Jun at 23:0

How do I do an initial push to a remote repository with Git?

I've read through countless tutorials and I keep coming up short. Here's what I've got: - - [instructions](

8 Dec at 10:35

What is the MySQL JDBC driver connection string?

I am new to JDBC and I am trying to make a connection to a MySQL database. I am using Connector/J driver, but I cant find the JDBC connection string for my `Class.forName()` method.

12 Jan at 13:6

Quickest way to convert XML to JSON in Java

What are some good tools for quickly and easily converting XML to JSON in Java?

21 Sep at 11:14

Java 8: Difference between two LocalDateTime in multiple units

I am trying to calculate the difference between two `LocalDateTime`. The output needs to be of the format `y years m months d days h hours m minutes s seconds`. Here is what I have written: ``` imp...

3 Apr at 19:25

What does %>% mean in R

I am following this example, the , [file is here]( I plan to do a similar filter, but am lost as to what `%>%` does. ``` # Apply filters m...

31 May at 07:53

Update Query with INNER JOIN between tables in 2 different databases on 1 server

Need some SQL syntax help :-) Both databases are on the same server ``` db1 = DHE db2 = DHE_Import UPDATE DHE.dbo.tblAccounts INNER JOIN DHE_Import.dbo.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink ON DHE.dbo.tbl...

27 Mar at 17:24

Java Error: "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running"

I'm trying to run this simple HelloWorld code written in Java from my browser ([Chrome]( ``` public class HelloWorld extends JApplet { public void init() ...

6 Dec at 23:28

How do I get a file name from a full path with PHP?

For example, how do I get `` `F:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Secure Shell\` with PHP?

8 Jan at 13:27

How to exclude a specific string constant?

Can regular expression be utilized to match any string except a specific string constant (i.e. `"ABC"`)? Is it possible to exclude just one specific string constant?

30 Mar at 18:24

What does the ^ operator do in Java?

What function does the `^` (caret) operator serve in Java? When I try this: ``` int a = 5^n; ``` gives me: > for n = 5, returns 0 for n = 4, returns 1 for n = 6, returns 3 I gu...

28 Feb at 03:6

Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined

I keep getting this error. > Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined. the code I have is: ``` Uri uri = new Uri(slct.Text); if (DeleteFileOnServer(uri)) { nn.BalloonTipText =...

16 Jun at 21:25

How is the default max Java heap size determined?

If I omit the `-Xmxn` option from the Java command line then a default value will be used. According to [Java documentation](

10 Aug at 14:17

Run a single test method with maven

I know you can run all the tests in a certain class using: ``` mvn test -Dtest=classname ``` But I want to run an individual method and -Dtest=classname.methodname doesn't seem to work.

error: src refspec master does not match any

I have tried to follow the solutions suggested in [this]( post but it didnt work and I am ...

23 May at 11:55

Why is Docker installed but not Docker Compose?

I have installed docker on CentOS 7 by running following commands, ``` curl -sSL | sh systemctl enable docker && systemctl start docker docker run hello-world ``` however whe...

8 Dec at 02:19

How to import image (.svg, .png ) in a React Component

I am trying to import an image file in one of my react component. I have the project setup with web pack Here's my code for the component ``` import Diamond from '../../assets/linux_logo.jpg'; ex...

25 Jun at 08:49

how to convert an RGB image to numpy array?

I have an RGB image. I want to convert it to numpy array. I did the following ``` im = cv.LoadImage("abc.tiff") a = numpy.asarray(im) ``` It creates an array with no shape. I assume it is a iplimag...

26 Nov at 19:34

Drop unused factor levels in a subsetted data frame

I have a data frame containing a `factor`. When I create a subset of this dataframe using `subset` or another indexing function, a new data frame is created. However, the `factor` variable retains al...

29 Jun at 23:26

How to put text over images in html?

How to put text over images in HTML. Everytime I enter the below code, the text goes under the image. ``` <img src="example.jpg">Text</img> ```

4 Jun at 09:16

Node.js EACCES error when listening on most ports

I'm testing out an app (hopefully to run on heroku, but am having issues locally as well). It's giving me an EACCES error when it runs http.Server.listen() - but it only occurs on some ports. So, lo...

6 Feb at 18:13

Entity Framework Join 3 Tables

I'm trying to join three tables but I can't understand the method... I completed join 2 tables ``` var entryPoint = dbContext.tbl_EntryPoint .Join(dbContext.tbl_Entry, c ...