
groupname doesn't work in more than one radiobutton inside repeater

I have a repeater and inside the repeater a radiobutton control, in code behind I fill the groupname for the radiobutton control, so, when I run it, I have a table with many rows and some of them have...

Property does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLDivElement>' with React 16

Since React 16 now allows [custom DOM attributes](, I tried to leverage this in my Typescript code: ``` import * as Re...

14 Sep at 09:45

Iterate over array of objects in Typescript

I need to iterate over the array of objects in angular 2 and limit the string length display for a particular key in the object. ``` this.productService.loadAllProducts(product).subscribe(data => { ...

21 Jul at 15:22

Implementing JSON Merge Patch in ASP.NET Core WebAPI

I am interested in adding support for partial updates in my ASP.NET Core WebAPI where I only update the properties on a resource that the caller provided, leaving excluded properties unchanged. For co...

What is .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.xxxxxxx cookie in .Net Core?

I was trying to use ValidateAntiForgeryToken in .Net Core but I was getting .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.xxxxxxx cookie is missing. What is this .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.xxxxxxx cookie?

How to properly use user registration in ServiceStack

I am new to ServiceStack and I am having some problems truly understanding the user registration stuff. Our goal is to: 1. Allow a user to create a new account 2. Verify if a user name and/or email ...

13 Sep at 20:32

Dependencies not flowing between dependent projects, causing System.IO.FileNotFoundException

Let's say my solution has 2 projects: - - The first project (MainProject) has a NuGet dependency called "dependencyX". Obviously, the project "MainProjectTests" has a reference to "MainProject". S...

EF Core Migrations with Multiple DB Schemas

EF Core 1.1 and SQL Server 2016 We are running a microservice application with some microservices having independent few tables. One of the solutions to have many tables for individual microservice, ...

How to refresh an Entity Framework Core DBContext?

When my table is updated by another party, the db context in dotnet core still return the old value, how can I force the Db context to refresh? I've done research but I only found people use `Reload`...

13 Sep at 19:25

First time exception - System.pdb not loaded

I use VS2017 and I get the following when I hit F5 []( It happens for certain projects only, even if I disabled the Symbols support under VS options. Although in ...

How to Auto size Excel ClosedXml cells in c#

I am trying to resize cells so that it fits the maximum length of the text using `ClosedXMl.Excel` but the cell is giving me this error message: > Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppressi...

6 May at 18:47

How to set the culture in a dotnetcore xunit test

I have the following unit test that I'm porting from a .Net Framework library to .Net core xunint test library. The project the unit test needs to be added to is [

13 Sep at 13:59

Why does C# support abstract overrides of abstract members?

Whilst browsing through some legacy code, I was surprised to encounter an Basically, something like this: ``` public abstract class A { public abstract void DoStuff(); } public abstract cla...

13 Sep at 13:20

Resolve IStringLocalizer with real resx manually

I am looking for a way to resolve `IStringLocalizer` objects with the real underlying resx files, using a similar method to how I resolved `IOptions` in [this question][1]. This is in order to build u...

6 May at 10:38

How to determine if the property belongs to Base class or sub class dynamically in generic type using reflection?

I have following two classes (models), one is base class and other is sub class: ``` public class BaseClass { public string BaseProperty{get;set;} } public class ChildClass: BaseClass ...

Detect if the device is iPhone X

My iOS app uses a custom height for the `UINavigationBar` which leads to some problems on the new iPhone X. Does someone already know how to detect programmatically (in Objective-C) if an app is ru...

21 Mar at 06:9

.Net Core ValidateAntiForgeryToken throwing web api 400 error

Visual Studio 2017 with Web Api using .net Core 1.1 I'm using, but I am getting a 400 Bad Request Error. Error Occurs in every way: 1. Angular http 2. Fiddler 3. Postman 4. SoapUI 5. Swagger A...

How to return Unathorized from .Net Core Web API

I do have simple API controller, and I do need to return 401. Method's return type is not `IActionResult` so I can't just `return Unauthorized()` How can I return Unauthorized in this case? ``` [Pro...

4 Feb at 08:27

Embedding Youtube Videos in webbrowser. Object doesn't support property or method

Youtube has recently stopped supporting videos embedded in the format{key}. So I was trying to convert the video from "/v/" to "/embed/". However when I try to navigate to the video...

12 Sep at 21:29

Fluent API, many-to-many in Entity Framework Core

I've searched stackoverflow for a proper solution on generating a relationship, using EF Core, Code first and Fluent API. A simple scenario would be: ``` public class Person { public Person() {...

Extract a page from a pdf as a jpeg

In python code, how can I efficiently save a certain page of a PDF as a JPEG file? Use case: I have a Python flask web server where PDFs will be uploaded and JPEGs corresponding to each page are store...

3 Jan at 07:59

How to add custom header to ASP.NET Core Web API response

I am porting my API from Web API 2 to ASP.NET Core Web API. I used to be able to add a custom header in the following manner: ``` HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCod...

12 Sep at 18:25

HTTP Request in Android with Kotlin

I want to do a login validation using POST method and to get some information using GET method. I've URL, server Username and Password already of my previous project.

27 Jul at 14:46

Docker - Bind for failed: port is already allocated

I am using docker for the first time and I was trying to implement this - []( At one st...

4 Jan at 08:12

Error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component into the closest module

When I try to create a component in the angular cli, it's showing me this error. How do I get rid of it ? > Error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component...

23 Nov at 09:36