
Could not proxy request /pusher/auth from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:5000 (ECONNREFUSED)

I am trying to create a chat app using reactJS and pusher, i am getting this error- > Could not proxy request /pusher/auth from localhost:3000 to [http://localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000) (ECO...

28 Jul at 08:2

Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff.....'it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'font-src'

My react webApp give this Error in Browser Console ``` Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff;base64,d09........' because it` `violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-sr...

9 Nov at 09:8

Stop and remove all docker containers

How can I stop and remove all docker containers to create a clean slate with my Docker containers? Lots of times I feel it is easier to start from scratch, but I have a bunch of containers that I am n...

10 Jul at 08:39

How can I decompress an archive file having .zst or tar.zst?

I do not know how I can decompress a file having .zst or tar.zst extension . The full filename :- file.pkg.tar.zst or file.xz.tar.zst

13 Sep at 00:18

Visual Studio Code (Windows) Not Detecting Global NPM Modules

I'm experiencing an issue where Visual Studio Code in Windows 10 is not able to detect globally installed NPM packages within the Integrated Terminal. For example, if the windows command prompt I ins...

keycloak Invalid parameter: redirect_uri

When I am trying to hit from my api to authenticate user from keycloak, but its giving me error Invalid parameter: redirect_uri on keycloak page. I have created my own realm apart from master. keycloa...

29 May at 09:12

How to get the default value of key from the registry

I am trying get the `(Default)` key value from the `HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT` and the code snippet I tried is as below, ``` using (var key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"Excel.Application\\CurVer")) { ...

27 Jul at 11:50

Cannot convert from List<Bar> to List<Foo>

I have a set up like this: ``` abstract class Foo {} class Bar : Foo {} ``` and a method elsewhere of this form: ``` void AddEntries(List<Foo>) {} ``` I am trying to call this method using a lis...

28 Aug at 12:24

Run .exe executable file in Azure Function

I have executable abcd.exe (it contains/merged with many .dll). Is it possible to create Azure Function for abcd.exe and run it in Azure Cloud Functions? The abcd.exe application : ``` System.Diag...

29 Sep at 16:17

Make Selenium wait 10 seconds

Yes I know the question has been asked quite often but I still don't get it. I want to make Selenium wait, no matter what. I tried these methods ``` driver.set_page_load_timeout(30) driver.implicitl...

27 Jul at 10:9

Is it better to return an empty task or null? c#

I have an asynchronous method which will look for a jobId for a job scheduling service through an Api. if it finds no results is it better to return an empty task or null? As i understand when retur...

27 Jul at 09:49

ValueError: Unknown label type: 'unknown'

I try to run following code. Btw, I am new to both python and sklearn. ``` import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # data import and preparation t...

Python module not found even though "Requirement Already satisfied in Pip"

writing some python in OS X, and it's saying several packages I installed with pip "ImportError: no module named requests" When running pip install requests ``` > sudo -H pip install requests Requ...

27 Jul at 08:36

Dynamic sized multi line TextBox field in a PDF

I have created a document in an open office with a multi-line form field: []( The issue I am having is when the dynamic content exceeds the initial size of the mult...

30 Dec at 10:9

Explanation of GetNormalizedUserNameAsync and SetNormalizedUserNameAsync functions in ASP.NET Identity UserStore

I am a bit confused as to how I am supposed to implement functions like the following: ``` GetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) SetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, String, CancellationT...

"Predefined type System.ValueTuple is not defined or imported" after upgrading to .NET 4.7

I'm upgrading an existing solution from .NET 4.6.2 to .NET 4.7. This solution depends on several nuget packages that target .NET 4.6.2 and hence depend on the nuget [System.ValueTuple](https://www.nug...

9 Aug at 14:12

Why Local Functions generate IL different from Anonymous Methods and Lambda Expressions?

Why the C# 7 Compiler turns Local Functions into methods within the same class where their parent function is. While for Anonymous Methods (and Lambda Expressions) the compiler generates a nested clas...

26 Jul at 21:45

Db.LoadSelect throws NullReferenceException

Starting to pull my hair out over this, so thought I might try asking here. I have this simple service: ``` public class EventService : Service { public object Get(GetEvents request) { ...

26 Jul at 21:23

ServiceStackHost.Instance has already been set (BasicAppHost)

I am using xunit to run test. One by one it works just fine but once I run them in parallel servicestack throws exception. ``` System.IO.InvalidDataException : ServiceStackHost.Instance has already b...

26 Jul at 16:0

vs_buildtools.exe missing from Visual Studio Build Tools 2017

I [installed]( the Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 using the link (at bottom under Other Tools and Frameworks) installing both workloads: Visual C++ build tools ...

How to set base path property in swagger for .Net Core Web API

i've built a Web API in ASP.Net Core (version 1.1.2) and i use the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore for generating the swagger definition. below is a part of the automatically generated swagger definition. i w...

Assert Variable is not Null

I have a Variable with type `DateTime?` In a Function I check it for being `null` and want to use it afterwards without always having to `?.` every call. In e.g. Kotlin the IDE recognizes a check like...

4 Sep at 03:14

Odd return syntax statement

I know this may sound strange but I don't know even how to search this syntax in internet and also I am not sure what exactly means. So I've watched over some MoreLINQ code and then I noticed this me...

14 Dec at 12:22

How to detect lines in OpenCV?

I am trying to detect lines in parking as shown below. []( What I hope to get is the clear lines and (x,y) position in the crossed line. However, the result is not ...

20 Jun at 09:12

How to use paginator from material angular?

I'm new to angular and trying to implement pagination in my app. I am trying to use [this material component.]( With the code below, I can get...

23 Dec at 12:8