
Displaying HTML with Blade shows the HTML code

I have a string returned to one of my views, like this: ``` $text = '<p><strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum dolor <img src="images/test.jpg"></p>' ``` I'm trying to display it with Blade: ``` {{$text}} ``` ...

26 Dec at 10:54

Moment get current date

How to get current date using the Moment library? Not timestamp, but date. So please don't refer to that timestamp question already to be found. I know how to get it in regular javascript, but I need...

8 Sep at 10:19

What is the proper REST response code for a valid request but an empty data?

For example you run a GET request for `users/9` but there is no user with id #9. Which is the best response code? - - - - -

15 Jun at 16:8

Calculate MD5 checksum for a file

I'm using [iTextSharp]( to read the text from a PDF file. However, there are times I cannot extract text, because the PDF file is only containing images. I download...

15 Dec at 11:28

C++ wait for user input

What would be the best way to wait for user input in console application? ``` std::cout << "press any key to exit..."; // wait for user to hit enter or another key ```

21 Jan at 12:0

How do I rename the extension for a bunch of files?

In a directory, I have a bunch of `*.html` files. I'd like to rename them all to `*.txt` How can I do that? I use the bash shell.

15 May at 07:6

Round a floating-point number down to the nearest integer?

I want to take a floating-point number and round it down to the nearest integer. However, if it's not a whole, I want to round down the variable, regardless of how close it is to the next integer up....

css ellipsis on second line

CSS `text-overflow: ellipsis` on second line, is this possible? I can't find it on the net. example: what I want is like this: ``` I hope someone could help me. I need an ellipsis on the second li...

1 Mar at 02:55

ImportError: No module named 'pygame'

I have installed python 3.3.2 and pygame 1.9.2a0. Whenever I try to import pygame by typing: import pygame I get following error message : ``` Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:0...

13 Jul at 10:37

How to make program go back to the top of the code instead of closing

I'm trying to figure out how to make Python go back to the top of the code. In SmallBasic, you do ``` start: textwindow.writeline("Poo") goto start ``` But I can't figure out how you do tha...

19 Feb at 00:29

python pandas remove duplicate columns

What is the easiest way to remove duplicate columns from a dataframe? I am reading a text file that has duplicate columns via: ``` import pandas as pd df=pd.read_table(fname) ``` The column names...

20 Feb at 17:53

onclick open window and specific size

I have a link like this: ``` <a href="/index2.php?option=com_jumi&amp;fileid=3&amp;Itemid=11" onclick=",'targetWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes...

1 Jul at 07:43

Passing base64 encoded strings in URL

Is it safe to pass raw base64 encoded strings via GET parameters?

3 Sep at 17:37

How to concatenate columns in a Postgres SELECT?

I have two string columns `a` and `b` in a table `foo`. `select a, b from foo` returns values `a` and `b`. However, concatenation of `a` and `b` does not work. I tried : ``` select a || b from foo ...

#1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' cPanel

I have a WordPress database on my local machine that I want to transfer to a hosted phpMyAdmin on cPanel. However, when I try to import the database into the environment, I keep getting this error: `...

7 Apr at 14:24

Store images in a MongoDB database

How can I store images in a MongoDB database rather than just text? Can I create an array of images in a MongoDB database? Will it be possible to do the same for videos?

22 Sep at 17:57

MySQL Removing Some Foreign keys

I have a table whose primary key is used in several other tables and has several foreign keys to other tables. ``` CREATE TABLE location ( locationID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY .....

Maven command to determine which settings.xml file Maven is using

How do I use maven command line to determine which settings.xml file Maven is picking up?

What is the Record type?

What does `Record<K, T>` mean in Typescript? Typescript 2.1 introduced the `Record` type, describing it in an example: > ``` // For every properties K of type T, transform it to U function mapObject<K...

29 Sep at 13:24

Ansible: get current target host's IP address

How do you get the current host's IP address in a role? I know you can get the list of groups the host is a member of and the hostname of the host but I am unable to find a solution to getting the IP...

How do I store data in local storage using Angularjs?

Currently I am using a service to perform an action, namely retrieve data from the server and then store the data on the server itself. Instead of this, I want to put the data into local storage inst...

19 Oct at 13:34

How to merge multiple dataframes

I have different dataframes and need to merge them together based on the date column. If I only had two dataframes, I could use `df1.merge(df2, on='date')`, to do it with three dataframes, I use `df1....

List of all special characters that need to be escaped in a regex

I am trying to create an application that matches a message template with a message that a user is trying to send. I am using Java regex for matching the message. The template/message may contain spec...

2 Feb at 10:24

Wrap a text within only two lines inside div

I want to wrap a text within only two lines inside div of specific width. If text goes beyond the length of two lines then I want to show ellipses. Is there a way to do that using CSS? e.g. ``` Sample...

28 Oct at 20:8

CSS3 100vh not constant in mobile browser

I have a very odd issue... in every browser and mobile version I encountered this behavior: - - - - How can avoid this problem? When I first heard of viewport-height I was excited and I thought I c...

25 Mar at 01:28