
Process.start: how to get the output?

I would like to run an external command line program from my Mono/.NET app. For example, I would like to run . Is it possible: 1. To get the command line shell output, and write it on my text box? ...

14 Sep at 08:21

Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

Any ideas on an async directory search using fs.readdir? I realize that we could introduce recursion and call the read directory function with the next directory to read, but I'm a little worried abou...

22 Dec at 20:18

Convert timestamp to date in Oracle SQL

How can we convert timestamp to date? The table has a field, `start_ts` which is of the `timestamp` format: ``` '05/13/2016 4:58:11.123456 PM' ``` I need to query the table and find the maximum an...

In Typescript, How to check if a string is Numeric

In Typescript, this shows an error saying isNaN accepts only numeric values ``` isNaN('9BX46B6A') ``` and this returns false because `parseFloat('9BX46B6A')` evaluates to `9` ``` isNaN(parseFloat(...

2 May at 21:47

How to remove the hash from window.location (URL) with JavaScript without page refresh?

I have URL like: ``, how do I remove `#something`, without causing the page to refresh? I attempted the following solution: ``` window.location.hash = ''; ``` `#`

How to represent empty char in Java Character class

I want to represent an empty character in Java as `""` in String... Like that `char ch = an empty character;` Actually I want to replace a character without leaving space. I think it might be suf...

25 Aug at 22:49

How to flip background image using CSS?

How to flip any background image using CSS? Is it possible? currenty I'm using this arrow image in a `background-image` of `li` in css ![enter image description here](

24 Apr at 06:33

Get city name using geolocation

I managed to get the user's latitude and longitude using HTML-based geolocation. ``` //Check if browser supports W3C Geolocation API if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrent...

4 Nov at 16:33

Where is body in a nodejs http.get response?

I'm reading the docs at [](, but for some reason, I can't seem to to actually find the ...

23 May at 15:21

Getting the first and last day of a month, using a given DateTime object

I want to get the first day and last day of the month where a given date lies in. The date comes from a value in a UI field. If I'm using a time picker I could say ``` var maxDay = dtpAttendance.Max...

21 Jul at 12:31

Usage of MySQL's "IF EXISTS"

Here are two statements that I'd like to work, but which return error messages: ``` IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM gdata_calendars WHERE `group` = ? AND id = ?) SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 0 ``` and ``` IF ((...

11 Jul at 11:11

How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file?

Is it possible to view `Androidmanifest.xml` file? I just changed the extension of the `apk` file to `zip`. This `zip` file contains the `Androidmanifest.xml` file. But I am unable view the contents ...

19 Aug at 09:17

How to generate random number in Bash?

How to generate a random number within a range in Bash?

5 Jun at 10:33

preventDefault() on an <a> tag

I have some HTML and jQuery that slides a `div` up and down to show or hide` it when a link is clicked: ``` <ul class="product-info"> <li> <a href="#">YOU CLICK THIS TO SHOW/HIDE</a> <div c...

18 Oct at 08:49

How can I monitor the thread count of a process on linux?

I would like to monitor the number of threads used by a specific process on Linux. Is there an easy way to get this information without impacting the performance of the process?

4 Nov at 20:6

How to correctly display .csv files within Excel 2013?

It seems Excel 2013 doesn't read CSV files correctly (Excel 2010 does). Every time I open .csv files, all my data are displayed in the first column. I know I can go to `DATA`, `Convert`, and then cho...

28 Nov at 12:39

Getting the last element of a split string array

I need to get the last element of a split array with multiple separators. The separators are commas and space. If there are no separators it should return the original string. If the string is "how,a...

25 Dec at 15:10

What is the difference among col-lg-*, col-md-* and col-sm-* in Bootstrap?

What is the difference among `col-lg-*` , `col-md-*` and `col-sm-*` in Twitter Bootstrap?

Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement

In my code I am using `java.sql.PreparedStatement`. I then execute the `setString()` method to populate the wildcards of the prepared statement. Is there a way for me to retrieve (and print out) the...

11 Jul at 12:29

How can I backup a Docker-container with its data-volumes?

I've been using this Docker-image [tutum/wordpress]( to demonstrate a Wordpress website. Recently I found out that the image uses volumes for the MyS...

20 Jul at 01:10

How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date?

I have a very simple jQuery Datepicker calendar: ``` $(document).ready(function(){ $("#date_pretty").datepicker({ }); }); ``` and of course in the HTML... ``` <input type="text" size="10"...

HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure

I was experimenting with a new feature that comes with .NET core sdk 2.2 that is supposedly meant to improve performance by around 400%. Impressive so I tried it out on my ABP () project `Template asp...

How to 'foreach' a column in a DataTable using C#?

How do I loop through each column in a datarow using `foreach`? ``` DataTable dtTable = new DataTable(); MySQLProcessor.DTTable(mysqlCommand, out dtTable); foreach (DataRow dtRow in dtTable.Rows) { ...

11 Sep at 19:0

Adding gif image in an ImageView in android

I added an animated gif image in an imageView. I am not able to view it as a gif image. No animation is there. It's appearing just as a still image. I would like to know how can i show it as a gif ima...

25 May at 12:37

php stdClass to array

I have a problem to convert an object stdClass to array. I have tried in this way: ``` return (array) $booking; ``` or ``` return (array) json_decode($booking,true); ``` or ``` return (array) j...

21 Nov at 07:50