How to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window?
When I try to use the Chrome Developer Tools, it seems I can no longer view it in a new window. Is this a bug or was that really an intended change in an update? How can we open the Chrome Developer...
- Modified
- 14 Mar at 21:6
Calling async method synchronously
I have an `async` method: ``` public async Task<string> GenerateCodeAsync() { string code = await GenerateCodeService.GenerateCodeAsync(); return code; } ``` I need to call this method from a...
- Modified
- 23 Oct at 07:29
What is the difference between `sorted(list)` vs `list.sort()`?
`list.sort()` sorts the list and replaces the original list, whereas `sorted(list)` returns a sorted copy of the list, without changing the original list. - - - `list.sort()` --- [Why do these list...
Get the time difference between two datetimes
I know I can do anything and some more envolving Dates with momentjs. But embarrassingly, I'm having a hard time trying to do something that seems simple: geting the difference between 2 times. Examp...
- Modified
- 3 Mar at 14:29
What is the difference between JOIN and JOIN FETCH when using JPA and Hibernate
Please help me understand where to use a regular JOIN and where a JOIN FETCH. For example, if we have these two queries ``` FROM Employee emp JOIN emp.department dep ``` and ``` FROM Employee emp JOI...
Add a custom attribute to a Laravel / Eloquent model on load?
I'd like to be able to add a custom attribute/property to an Laravel/Eloquent model when it is loaded, similar to how that might be achieved with [RedBean's](
Regex for string not ending with given suffix
I have not been able to find a proper regex to match any string ending with some condition. For example, I don't want to match anything ending with an `a`. ``` b ab 1 ``` ``` a ba ``` I know...
- Modified
- 1 Nov at 15:31
python pandas remove duplicate columns
What is the easiest way to remove duplicate columns from a dataframe? I am reading a text file that has duplicate columns via: ``` import pandas as pd df=pd.read_table(fname) ``` The column names...
Twitter bootstrap modal-backdrop doesn't disappear
I am using the Twitter bootstrap Modal dialog. When I click on the submit button of the bootstrap modal dialog, it sends an AJAX request. My problem is that the modal-backdrop doesn't disappear. The M...
- Modified
- 15 Feb at 22:24
How to cast int to enum in C++?
How do I cast an int to an enum in C++? For example: ``` enum Test { A, B }; int a = 1; ``` How do I convert `a` to type `Test::A`?
JavaScript code to stop form submission
One way to stop form submission is to return false from your JavaScript function. When the submit button is clicked, a validation function is called. I have a case in form validation. If that conditi...
- Modified
- 27 Jan at 18:26
How to convert enum value to int?
I have a function which return a type int. However, I only have a value of the TAX enumeration. How can I cast the TAX enumeration value to an int? ``` public enum TAX { NOTAX(0),SALESTAX(10),IM...
Is there a way to automatically generate getters and setters in Eclipse?
I am working on a new `Android` project (`Java`), and created an Object with a large number of variables. Since I am planning to add getters and setters for all of them, I was wondering: is there a sh...
- Modified
- 26 Aug at 16:43
How to redirect 'print' output to a file?
I want to redirect the print to a .txt file using Python. I have a `for` loop, which will `print` the output for each of my .bam file while I want to redirect output to one file. So I tried to put: `...
- Modified
- 17 May at 10:42
Get commit list between tags in git
If I've a git repository with tags representing the versions of the releases. How can I get the list of the commits between two tags (with a pretty format if is possible) ?
- Modified
- 31 Mar at 12:25
What's the valid way to include an image with no src?
I have an image that I will dynamically populate with a src later with javascript but for ease I want the image tag to exist at pageload but just not display anything. I know `<img src='' />` is inval...
- Modified
- 25 Apr at 05:24
PHP Redirect with POST data
I did some research on this topic, and there are some experts who have said that it is not [possible](, so I would like ...
Collections.emptyList() vs. new instance
In practice, is it better to return an empty list like [this]( ``` return Collections.emptyList(); ``` Or li...
- Modified
- 4 Jun at 08:13
Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Factory.StartNew
What is the difference between the below code snippets? Won't both be using threadpool threads? For instance if I want to call a function for each item in a collection, ``` Parallel.ForEach<Item>(it...
- Modified
- 15 Feb at 20:33
JAX-RS — How to return JSON and HTTP status code together?
I'm writing a REST web app (NetBeans 6.9, JAX-RS, TopLink Essentials) and trying to return JSON HTTP status code. I have code ready and working that returns JSON when the HTTP GET method is called fr...
- Modified
- 23 Apr at 11:55
How do I check the difference, in seconds, between two dates?
There has to be an easier way to do this. I have objects that want to be refreshed every so often, so I want to record when they were created, check against the current timestamp, and refresh as neces...
Avoiding "resource is out of sync with the filesystem"
I develop Java code with Eclipse and regularly get this message: > resource is out of sync with the filesystem. Right-click > Refresh will always clear this. But why can't Eclipse refresh automati...
- Modified
- 9 Jun at 10:14
MySQL: is a SELECT statement case sensitive?
Can anyone tell me if a MySQL `SELECT` query is case sensitive or case insensitive by default? And if not, what query would I have to send so that I can do something like: ``` SELECT * FROM `table` W...
What is the difference between C# and .NET?
May I know what is the difference between C# and .NET? When I think of C#, right away I would say it is a .NET language, but when I search for job posts, they require candidates to have C# and .NET ex...
How to timeout a thread
I want to run a thread for some fixed amount of time. If it is not completed within that time, I want to either kill it, throw some exception, or handle it in some way. How can it be done? One way of...
- Modified
- 26 Feb at 17:20