SharePointOnlineCredentials Missing or not found
I have added Sharepoint reference in my project. Even after adding reference, it is showing: > SharePointOnlineCredentials Missing or not found. Can anyone suggest a solution?
- Modified
- 5 Jun at 15:16
Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema
I am using Android Database Component Room I've configured everything, but when I compile, Android Studio gives me this warning: > Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor...
- Modified
- 2 Jan at 06:34
Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript
So the following code is in Angular 4 and I can't figure out why it doesn't work the way as expected. Here is a snippet of my handler: ``` onUpdatingServerName(event: Event) { console.log(event); ...
- Modified
- 18 Dec at 00:24
Fresh ASP.NET Core API returns empty JSON objects
I have made a .NET Core Web API project to test it out. My problem is, that the API returns an empty JSON object, when I request the endpoint, which is located at "/api/cars/123" for instance. This ...
Flutter onTap method for Containers
Been developing a flutter app and dynamicly building some containers from some Firebase data. I wanted to know if there is a way to get a onTap method for containers (or any widget which is not a but...
- Modified
- 1 Jun at 21:15
ssl.SSLError: tlsv1 alert protocol version
I'm using the REST API for a [Cisco CMX device](
When to use 'raise NotImplementedError'?
Is it to remind yourself and your team to implement the class correctly? I don't fully get the use of an abstract class like this: ``` class RectangularRoom(object): def __init__(self, width, hei...
How to bind color in Avalonia
In WPF it was a bit more confusing how to bind colors, like background color to a viewmodel property. Are there other ways to bind Colors in Avalonia ? Or is this example a good way ? Avalonia View Av...
- Modified
- 6 Aug at 15:47
Filter array of objects whose any properties contains a value
I'm wondering what is the cleanest way, better way to filter an array of objects depending on a `string keyword`. The search has to be made in any properties of the object. When I type `lea` I want to...
- Modified
- 11 Aug at 13:5
React-router v4 this.props.history.push(...) not working
I'm trying to route programatically using `this.props.history.push(..)` but it doesn't seem to work. Here's the router: ``` import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; <Ro...
- Modified
- 5 Feb at 20:11
Set Authorization/Content-Type headers when call HTTPClient.PostAsync
Where can I set headers to REST service call when using simple HTTPClient? I do : ``` HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var values = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"id", "111"}, {"am...
How to null check c# 7 tuple in LINQ query?
Given: ``` class Program { private static readonly List<(int a, int b, int c)> Map = new List<(int a, int b, int c)>() { (1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (2, 2, 4) }; sta...
Semaphore Wait vs WaitAsync in an async method
I'm trying to find out what is the difference between the SemaphoreSlim use of Wait and WaitAsync, used in this kind of context: ``` private SemaphoreSlim semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1); public asy...
- Modified
- 1 Jun at 11:4
How to create a JSONObject from String in Kotlin?
I need to convert a string `{\"name\":\"test name\", \"age\":25}` to a JSONObject
Angular 2 ngfor first, last, index loop
I'm trying to set as default the first occurrence in this example: [plunkr]( getting the following error: ``` Unhandled Promise rejection: Template...
- Modified
- 13 Aug at 06:28
Is it possible to use ValueTuple as model in View?
Is it possible to use value tuples as model type in views in ASP.NET Core MVC? I mean like this: Controller: public IActionResult Index() { ... (int ImportsCount, int ExportsCount) impor...
- Modified
- 6 May at 00:58
servicestack ormlite postgres connection timeout
From release 1.0.41 have some issue with ormlite. Connection takes long time and expires but command itself is executed. I also tried to use 1.0.42 but it is same issue. ``` <PackageReference Include...
- Modified
- 31 May at 14:3
How do I validate configuration with the automapper Instance API
I know that using automapper's static API I can do this: ``` Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()); Mapper.Configuration.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); ``` but now I've ...
- Modified
- 31 May at 13:46
The controller for path '/apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png' was not found
I am getting some error messages in my web log file. 1. The controller for path '/apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png' was not found or does not implement IController. Path::/apple-touch-icon-120...
- Modified
- 6 May at 18:48
Why is it impossible to call static methods on Nullable<T> shorthands?
I thought `T?` is just a compiler shorthand for `Nullable<T>`. According to [MSDN]( > The syntax `T?` is shorthand f...
- Modified
- 31 May at 12:57
Entity Framework Core: private or protected navigation properties
Is it somehow possible to define navigation properties in EFCore with private or protected access level to make this kind of code work: ``` class Model { public int Id { get; set; } virtual pro...
- Modified
- 31 May at 12:53
Docker Compose - Share named volume between multiple containers
I'm using docker-compose and v3. I'm trying to mount a volume in docker: `./appdata:/appdata` I'd like to have this as a volume and then reference that volume from multiple containers. The [volume con...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 10:0
"PDB format is not supported" with .NET portable debugging information
The last couple of days I've been [hunting down a problem]( - with the conclusion: With portable format I mean going to a project's set...
- Modified
- 31 May at 11:56
Measure time with C# (.Net Core)
I know this question has been asked more than once, but I'm not sure if the results I'm having are right. The operation seems too fast, so I'd like to double check if that's really it. I have a routi...
Customize Bootstrap checkboxes
I'm using Bootstrap in my Angular application and all other styles are working like they should, but checkbox style doesn't. It just look like plain old checkbox. ``` <link rel="stylesheet" href="htt...
- Modified
- 22 Nov at 16:11