
Is there a DataGrid "rendering complete" event?

When I load my DataGrid, I change the cursor to the wait-icon, load data into my ItemsSource from a database, and then set the cursor back to default. This works great, except for the fact that there ...

30 May at 21:58

ServiceStack Jwt authentication check if authenticated

I need to allow anonym access endpoint but still check if user is authenticated then give some extra data. using [Authenticate] attribute I can use ``` var session = SessionAs<AuthUserSession>(); `...

How to combine asynchrony with locking?

As the famous [blog post from Stephen Cleary]( dictates, one should never try to run async code synchronously (e.g. via `Task.RunSy...

17 Apr at 21:15

How to Change Read-Only Status of Files in intellij

I have a Java project and I want to modify it in intellij but I can't do it because of this or , so how I can modify and execute it? [](

30 May at 22:8

Extract GUID from line in C#

I try to simplify some legacy code using IndexOf to retrieve a GUID from lines. Can I further simplify the code below to get rid of using guids.Any and guids.First? Code using regular expression: Belo...

7 May at 07:18

Convert RenderTexture to Texture2D

I need to save a RenderTexture object to a .png file that will then be used as a texture to wrap about a 3D object. My problem is right now I can't save a RenderTexture object using EncodeToPNG() beca...

30 May at 14:33

JQuery $.post is not working

This is my Index.cshtml file (I'm learning MVC .NET), and when I click on the Add button to add a new user, this user is not added when I go and check my Api. I know that both the route (api/users) an...

How to style a clicked button in CSS

I looked at W3 schools website [W3Schools]( which explained styling buttons with CSS. I need to specify a button style when it is clicked. What is the ps...

30 May at 13:46

How to initialise ReadOnlyDictionary?

I have an unchanging dictionary that is exposed in a class. Currently my code looks like ``` using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; public class FooClass { priv...

23 Apr at 15:33

How can I make EF Core database first use Enums?

I'm using EF Core with database-first approach using the "Scaffold-DbContext"-command to generate my DbContext / Entities. How can I instruct Scaffold-DbContext that a certain in a certain should g...

7 Aug at 12:6

Where should one store the authentication token in ASP.Net Core

My application has an API part and a website-part. On the website, the user can log in and gets a JWT bearer token from the API. My question now is: > Where should I store that token? Some say, st...

Date support in d.ts for servicestack typescript client

By default servicestack typescript file dtos.ts generated by webstorm plugin makes all date properties as string. ``` // @Required() to: string; ``` in servicestack .cs file this property is DateTi...

30 May at 10:3

Returning a string which contains some JSON object from ServiceStack

I have the following DTO: ``` public class MyDTO { public int Id { get; set; } public String Info { get; set; } } ``` The element contains some serialized JSON object which can be of mult...

30 May at 11:35

Divide by zero and no error?

Just threw together a simple test, not for any particular reason other than I like to try to have tests for all my methods even though this one is quite straightforward, or so I thought. ``` [TestMet...

27 Apr at 20:9

.NetCore JwtBearerAuthentication not rejecting expired tokens

I am generating JWT's to use with my WebApi project. I'm set the token to expire in one minute so that I can test if it rejects the token when submitted after the expiration date. ``` public async...

VS 2017 Metadata file '.dll could not be found

I know there is another question with exact the same problem, but I went trough all those answers, and none helped me. :( ([This was the question.](

How to create a List of ValueTuple?

Is it possible to create a list of ValueTuple in C# 7? like this: ``` List<(int example, string descrpt)> Method() { return Something; } ```

30 May at 13:27

EncryptedXml DecryptDocument method error after .Net framework update

I have an old function written in 2013 that decrypt xml that was encrypted by another program. The code is realy simple ``` public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc) { // Check the arg...

Build project with Microsoft.Build API

I'm trying to build a project using the classes in Microsoft.Build. The code is: ``` var project = new ProjectInstance(CS_PROJ_FILE); project.Build(); ``` However it's throwing the following excep...

29 May at 19:28

Optional appsettings.local.json in (new format) visual studio project

My app uses appsettings.json for some settings. If appsettings.local.json is present, that should override appsettings.json for whatever settings it contains. So far, no problem. But I use git for ve...

How do I change the font color in an html table?

How do I change the font color in an html table? ``` <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <select name="test"> <option value="Basic">Basic : $30.00 USD - yearly</option> <option value="Sustaining">Sustaining : ...

29 May at 18:7

How to remove cached credentials from Git?

I ran: ``` $ git config credential.helper store ``` And then: ``` $ git push origin master ``` After pushing, I entered my credentials and they were saved. I read that they are stored in plaintext, ...

22 Oct at 15:23

Antiforgery tokens are reusable

We use ASP.NET MVC's default Antiforgery technique. Recently a security company did a scan of a form and made note that they could use the same `_RequestVerificationToken` combination (cookie + hidden...

How to send authorization header with axios

How can I send an authentication header with a token via axios.js? I have tried a few things without success, for example: ``` const header = `Authorization: Bearer ${token}`; return axios.get(URLCo...

29 Aug at 08:21

Http Client An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

What am I doing wrong here? ``` var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("mobile_numbers", "5555555555"), new...

7 Aug at 14:44