Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android
My app needs to show Google Maps directions from A to B, but I don't want to put the Google Maps into my application - instead, I want to launch it using an Intent. Is this possible? If yes, how?
- Modified
- 5 Apr at 13:45
Python, TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
I'm receiving the following error in my program: Traceback: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python33\Archive\PythonGrafos\", line 126, in <module> menugrafos() File "C:\Python3...
- Modified
- 13 Jun at 18:34
How do I force Git to use LF instead of CR+LF under Windows?
I want to force Git to check out files under Windows using just `LF` not `CR+LF`. I checked the two configuration options, but was not able to find the right combination of settings. I want to convert...
- Modified
- 26 Oct at 11:44
How to get a path to the desktop for current user in C#?
How do I get a path to the desktop for current user in C#? The only thing I could find was the VB.NET-only class [SpecialDirectories](, which has...
- Modified
- 12 Aug at 12:56
Find the most common element in a list
What is an efficient way to find the most common element in a Python list? My list items may not be hashable so can't use a dictionary. Also in case of draws the item with the lowest index should be ...
How to replace an entire line in a text file by line number
I have a situation where I want a bash script to replace an entire line in a file. The line number is always the same, so that can be a hard-coded variable. I'm not trying to replace some sub-string ...
Code to loop through all records in MS Access
I need a code to loop through all the records in a table so I can extract some data. In addition to this, is it also possible to loop through filtered records and, again, extract data? Thanks!
How to show math equations in general github's markdown(not github's blog)
After investigating, I've found mathjax can do this. But when I write some example in my markdown file, it doesn't show the correct equations: I have added this in the head of markdown file: ``` <scri...
ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli
Installed angular-cli globally using (`npm install -g angular-cli`) but when I'm trying to create project using `ng new my-project` it is throwing error: > ng: command not found
- Modified
- 28 Aug at 03:42
The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values
I'm using AngularJS $http on the client side to access an endpoint of a ASP.NET Web API application on the server side. As the client is hosted on a different domain as the server, I need CORS. It wor...
- Modified
- 12 Mar at 06:41
What's the best way to break from nested loops in JavaScript?
What's the best way to break from nested loops in Javascript? ``` //Write the links to the page. for (var x = 0; x < Args.length; x++) { for (var Heading in Navigation.Headings) { for (va...
- Modified
- 19 May at 21:6
How to use greater than operator with date?
No idea what is going on here. Here is the query, right from phpMyAdmin: ``` SELECT * FROM `la_schedule` WHERE 'start_date' >'2012-11-18'; ``` But I consistently get all records in the table retur...
How can I use optional parameters in a T-SQL stored procedure?
I am creating a stored procedure to do a search through a table. I have many different search fields, all of which are optional. Is there a way to create a stored procedure that will handle this? L...
- Modified
- 22 Jul at 17:37
How to continue a Docker container which has exited
Consider: ``` docker run -it centos /bin/bash ``` I pressed + to exit it. I want to continue to run this container, but I found I can't. The only method is ``` docker commit `docker ps -q -l` my...
- Modified
- 23 Jul at 19:15
Trying to load local JSON file to show data in a html page using JQuery
Hi I am trying to load local JSON file using JQuery to show data but i am getting some weird error. May i know how to solve this. ``` <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascrip...
- Modified
- 1 Mar at 04:37
Export/import jobs in Jenkins
Is it possible to exchange jobs between 2 different Jenkins'? I'm searching for a way to export/import jobs.
- Modified
- 26 Mar at 10:38
Force table column widths to always be fixed regardless of contents
I have an html table with `table-layout: fixed` and a td with a set width. The column still expands to hold the contents of text that doesn't contain a space. Is there a way to fix this other than w...
How to extract file name from path?
How do I extract the filename `myfile.pdf` from `C:\Documents\myfile.pdf` in VBA?
Get current URL in Twig template?
I looked around for the code to get the current path in a Twig template (and not the full URL), i.e. I don't want ``, I only need `/page`.
How to avoid "CUDA out of memory" in PyTorch
I think it's a pretty common message for PyTorch users with low GPU memory: ``` RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate MiB (GPU ; GiB total capacity; GiB already allocated; MiB free; ...
- Modified
- 28 Mar at 12:27
How to set initial size of std::vector?
I have a `vector<CustomClass*>` and I put a lot of items in the vector and I need fast access, so I don't use list. How to set initial size of vector (for example to be 20 000 places, so to avoid copy...
Search for all occurrences of a string in a mysql database
I'm trying to figure out how to locate all occurrences of a url in a database. I want to search all tables and all fields. But I have no idea where to start or if it's even possible.
- Modified
- 20 Mar at 01:58
Dynamically add script tag with src that may include document.write
I want to dynamically include a script tag in a webpage however I have no control of it's src so src="source.js" may look like this. ``` document.write('<script type="text/javascript">') document.writ...
- Modified
- 18 Oct at 12:47
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found
I downloaded Android Studio and attempted to launch the program. This is running on Windows 7 64-bit with Java 1.7. During the installation, my Java 1.7 is detected, and the rest of the installation g...
- Modified
- 5 Jul at 11:35