Remove duplicate dict in list in Python
I have a list of dicts, and I'd like to remove the dicts with identical key and value pairs. For this list: `[{'a': 123}, {'b': 123}, {'a': 123}]` I'd like to return this: `[{'a': 123}, {'b': 123}]`...
- Modified
- 11 Jan at 11:12
Fastest way to reset every value of std::vector<int> to 0
What's the fastest way to reset every value of a `std::vector<int>` to 0 and keeping the vectors initial size ? A for loop with the [] operator ?
How can I compare software version number using JavaScript? (only numbers)
Here is the software version number: ``` "1.0", "1.0.1", "2.0", "", "2.0.1" ``` How can I compare this? Assume the correct order is: ``` "1.0", "1.0.1", "2.0", "", "2.0.1" ``` The idea...
- Modified
- 27 Oct at 03:9
How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome?
I have a `setInterval` running a piece of code 30 times a second. This works great, however when I select another tab (so that the tab with my code becomes inactive), the `setInterval` is set to an id...
- Modified
- 20 Apr at 00:26
Constructor of an abstract class in C#
Why is it possible to write constructor for an abstract class in C#? As far as I know we can't instantiate an abstract class.. so what is it for? You can't instantiate the class, right?
- Modified
- 15 Mar at 12:41
Android: TextView: Remove spacing and padding on top and bottom
When I have a `TextView` with a `\n` in the text,, on the right I have two `singleLine` `TextView`s, one below the other with no spacing in between. I have set the following for all three `TextView`s....
java: Class.isInstance vs Class.isAssignableFrom
Let `clazz` be some `Class` and `obj` be some `Object`. Is ``` clazz.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()) ``` always the same as ``` clazz.isInstance(obj) ``` ? If not, what are the differences?
- Modified
- 18 Oct at 06:19
Boolean vs boolean in Java
There are discussions around `Integer` vs `int` in Java. The default value of the former is `null` while in the latter it's `0`. How about `Boolean` vs `boolean`? A variable in my application can ha...
How to plot two histograms together in R?
I am using R and I have two data frames: carrots and cucumbers. Each data frame has a single numeric column that lists the length of all measured carrots (total: 100k carrots) and cucumbers (total: 50...
What version of javac built my jar?
How can I tell what version of the Java compiler was used to build a jar? I have a jar file, and it could have been built in any one of three JDKs. We need to know exactly which one, so we can certi...
How to change the timeout on a .NET WebClient object
I am trying to download a client's data to my local machine (programatically) and their webserver is very, very slow which is causing a timeout in my `WebClient` object. Here is my code: ``` WebClie...
static const vs #define
Is it better to use `static const` vars than `#define` preprocessor? Or maybe it depends on the context? What are advantages/disadvantages for each method?
Shell script "for" loop syntax
I have gotten the following to work: ``` for i in {2..10} do echo "output: $i" done ``` It produces a bunch of lines of `output: 2`, `output: 3`, so on. However, trying to run the following: ...
How to make my font bold using css?
I'm very new to HTML and CSS and I was just wondering how I could make my font bold using CSS. I have a plain HTML page that imports a CSS file, and I can change the font in the CSS. But I don't know...
- Modified
- 22 Nov at 17:26
How many threads can a Java VM support?
How many threads can a Java VM support? Does this vary by vendor? by operating system? other factors?
- Modified
- 6 Aug at 16:18
Quick easy way to migrate SQLite3 to MySQL?
Anyone know a quick easy way to migrate a SQLite3 database to MySQL?
How to resolve symbolic links in a shell script
Given an absolute or relative path (in a Unix-like system), I would like to determine the full path of the target after resolving any intermediate symlinks. Bonus points for also resolving ~username n...
How to read file with async/await properly?
I cannot figure out how `async`/`await` works. I slightly understand it but I can't make it work. ``` function loadMonoCounter() { fs.readFileSync("monolitic.txt", "binary", async function(err, da...
- Modified
- 11 Jul at 14:26
React: why child component doesn't update when prop changes
Why in the following pseudo-code example Child doesn't re-render when Container changes ``` Container { handleEvent() { = 123 }, render() { return <Child b...
- Modified
- 11 Aug at 09:40
CGRectMake, CGPointMake, CGSizeMake, CGRectZero, CGPointZero is unavailable in Swift
After converting code to latest swift 3.0 I am shown this error. []([]( Also tell me solution for `CGSize = CGSizeMake(0,0)` ...
"Gradle Version 2.10 is required." Error
As I've been using ``` classpath '' ``` In the file, I got the following error since has been released. The error is : > Warning:Gradle version 2.10 is required....
- Modified
- 15 Jan at 15:24
Retrofit 2 - Dynamic URL
With Retrofit 2, you can set a full URL in the annotation of a service method like : ``` public interface APIService { @GET("") Call<Users> getUsers(); } ``` How...
Error: unable to verify the first certificate in nodejs
I'm trying to download a file from jira server using an URL but I'm getting an error. how to include certificate in the code to verify? ``` Error: unable to verify the first certificate in nodejs at...
- Modified
- 6 Apr at 09:20
Material effect on button with background color
I am using Android v21 support library. I have created a button with custom background color. The Material design effects like ripple, reveal are gone (except the elevation on click) when I use the ...
- Modified
- 15 Dec at 20:33
Migration: Cannot add foreign key constraint
I'm trying to create foreign keys in Laravel however when I migrate my table using `artisan` i am thrown the following error: ``` [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: ...
- Modified
- 14 Feb at 05:27