How to implement Security Protocols TLS 1.2 in .Net 3.5 framework
As Paypal updated their response, I need to update security protocols TLS to v1.2 in my existing application which is on .NET 3.5 framework. What changes required to update this in existing code, I c...
Waiting until the task finishes
How could I make my code wait until the task in DispatchQueue finishes? Does it need any CompletionHandler or something? ``` func myFunction() { var a: Int? DispatchQueue.main.async { ...
- Modified
- 24 Nov at 11:31
The operation could not be completed. invalid pointer - Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
[]( Getting this error when opening `.cshtml` file: > The operation could not be completed. Invalid pointer Everything starts after installing update 3 and .Net ...
- Modified
- 27 Feb at 10:19
Does C# 7.0 work for .NET 4.5?
I created a project in Visual Studio 2017 RC to check whether I can use new C# 7.0 language features in a .NET Framework 4.5 project. It seems to me that after referencing `System.ValueTuple` NuGet, n...
ServiceStack Log4NetFactory
How can I configure log4net in code when I like to use the servicestack logging interface? I see there is ``` LogManager.LogFactory = new Log4NetFactory(configureLog4Net:true); ``` If I got things...
- Modified
- 27 Feb at 08:56
Can't auto-generate IDENTITY with AddRange in Entity Framework
I don't know if it's an Entity Framework's desing choice or a wrong approach on my behalf, but whenever I try to AddRange entities to a DbSet I can't seem to get the auto-generated IDENTITY fields. `...
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- 27 Feb at 09:1
Sending json data to client from an interface server without change
I have two type of servers which contain some information. One of them is that is used for collecting all information in one place and pass it to mobile devices. I used `httpClient` to get JSON data ...
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- 27 Feb at 15:20
Python Selenium Chrome Webdriver
I'm beginning the automate the boring stuff book and I'm trying to open a chrome web browser through python. I have already installed selenium and I have tried to run this file: ``` from selenium im...
- Modified
- 15 May at 19:49
Visual Studio : can't find "resource file" in list of items to add to project
I'm on VS Community 2017 RC. I'd like to add a resource file (.resx) to my project but this item type is not listed in the items[]( Have I missed something ? Do I ...
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- 26 Feb at 20:12
How to create roles in ASP.NET Core and assign them to users?
I am using the ASP.NET Core default website template and have the authentication selected as "Individual User Accounts". How can I create roles and assign it to users so that I can use the roles in a ...
- Modified
- 17 Feb at 15:25
convert image into blob using javascript
I use promise to download an image and get the image data like: ``` promise.downloadFile().then(function(image){ //do something }); ``` I have got the image, which is like: ```...
- Modified
- 3 Oct at 09:41
xUnit and multiple data records for a test
I'm fairly new to Unit Testing and have the following code: ``` public class PowerOf { public int CalcPowerOf(int @base, int exponent) { if (@base == 0) { return 0; } if (exponent ...
- Modified
- 9 Jul at 12:51
How do I change the background color of the body?
I'm using React.js and want to change the background color of the entire page. I can't figure out how to do this. Please help, thank you. Edit (Sep 2 '18): I have a project on GitHub that I'm linking...
- Modified
- 2 Sep at 14:31
Wrapping a react-router Link in an html button
Using suggested method: [This is the result: A link in the button](, [Code in between comment lines]( I was wondering if there ...
How to deploy a React App on Apache web server
I have created a basic React App from []( here , I want to run this test code on Apache bas...
- Modified
- 21 Dec at 21:33
Return file in ASP.Net Core Web API
## Problem I want to return a file in my ASP.Net Web API Controller, but all my approaches return the `HttpResponseMessage` as JSON. ## Code so far ``` public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ...
- Modified
- 25 Feb at 19:20
How to remove text between multiple pairs of brackets?
I would like to remove text contained between each of multiple pairs of brackets. The code below works fine if there is only ONE pair of brackets within the string: ``` var text = "This (remove me) w...
How to set build .env variables when running create-react-app build script?
I'm using the following environment variable in my create-react-app: ``` console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL) // http://localhost:5555 ``` It works when I run `npm start` by reading a `.env` ...
- Modified
- 28 Jan at 12:25
How to get Column name and corresponding Database Type from DbContext in Entity Framework Core
Suppose I have this table: []( How can I get the column name and database datatype from `DbContext` in Entity Framework Core? Tips 1. The column with name clg...
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- 25 Feb at 11:36
How to reject in async/await syntax?
How can I reject a promise that returned by an `async`/`await` function? e.g. Originally: ``` foo(id: string): Promise<A> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { someAsyncPromise().then((val...
- Modified
- 21 Jan at 22:11
binding a Guid parameter in mvc core
I want to bind a Guid parameter to my ASP.NET MVC Core API: ``` [FromHeader] Guid id ``` but it's always null. If I change the parameter to a string and parse the Guid from the string manually it ...
- Modified
- 26 Feb at 08:21
ServiceStack API service RequiresAnyRole always returns 403 error
I've looked at several examples of ServiceStack's Authentication/Authorization code but I can't seem to get past this issue. I have created a custom `AuthFeature` which derives from `BasicAuthProvid...
- Modified
- 27 Feb at 09:2
ServiceStack register error form CustomUserAuth in CredentialsAuthProvider
searching the Internet I found many examples how to make your users table, everything works, check in on social networks, etc. But I get problem when register's representative missions of Registratio...
- Modified
- 24 Feb at 21:36
How do I pass a list as a parameter in a stored procedure?
Looking to pass a list of User IDs to return a list names. I have a plan to handle the outputed names (with a COALESCE something or other) but trying to find the best way to pass in the list of user I...
- Modified
- 24 Feb at 23:32
Objects in Scene dark after calling LoadScene/LoadLevel
I completed Unity's roll-a-ball tutorial and it works fine. I changed a couple of materials to make it look better. I also added a C# script that should restart the level when the player falls off of ...
- Modified
- 30 Apr at 17:52