
Angular HTML binding

I am writing an Angular application and I have an HTML response I want to display. How do I do that? If I simply use the binding syntax `{{myVal}}` it encodes all HTML characters (of course). I nee...

Search all of Git history for a string

I have a code base which I want to push to GitHub as open source. In this Git-controlled source tree, I have certain configuration files which contain passwords. I made sure not to track this file and...

25 Nov at 17:46

How do you set the Content-Type header for an HttpClient request?

I'm trying to set the `Content-Type` header of an `HttpClient` object as required by an API I am calling. I tried setting the `Content-Type` like below: ``` using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())...

When should I use git pull --rebase?

I know of some people who use `git pull --rebase` by default and others who insist never to use it. I believe I understand the difference between merging and rebasing, but I'm trying to put this in t...

19 Aug at 10:17

How do I declare a namespace in JavaScript?

How do I create a namespace in JavaScript so that my objects and functions aren't overwritten by other same-named objects and functions? I've used the following: ``` if (Foo == null || typeof(Foo) !=...

How to create a file in memory for user to download, but not through server?

Is there any way I can create a text file on the client side and prompt the user to download it, without any interaction with the server? I know I can't write directly to their machine (security and a...

Difference between CR LF, LF and CR line break types?

I'd like to know the difference (with examples if possible) between `CR LF` (Windows), `LF` (Unix) and `CR` (Macintosh) line break types.

Creating a byte array from a stream

What is the prefered method for creating a byte array from an input stream? Here is my current solution with .NET 3.5. ``` Stream s; byte[] b; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(s)) { ...

21 Apr at 17:8

Join vs. sub-query

I am an old-school MySQL user and have always preferred `JOIN` over sub-query. But nowadays everyone uses sub-query, and I hate it; I don't know why. I lack the theoretical knowledge to judge for ...

3 Nov at 18:0

How to emulate a do-while loop?

I need to emulate a do-while loop in a Python program. Unfortunately, the following straightforward code does not work: ``` list_of_ints = [ 1, 2, 3 ] iterator = list_of_ints.__iter__() element = Non...

13 Mar at 18:11

How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing?

Although elements like `<div>`s normally grow to fit their contents, using the `float` property can cause a startling problem for CSS newbies: For example: ``` <div> <div style="float: left;">Div 1...

20 Jun at 09:12

How do you comment out code in PowerShell?

How do you comment out code in (1.0 or 2.0)?

How to dispatch a Redux action with a timeout?

I have an action that updates the notification state of my application. Usually, this notification will be an error or info of some sort. I need to then dispatch another action after 5 seconds that wi...

11 Apr at 10:44

How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. databases) in Docker

How do people deal with persistent storage for your Docker containers? I am currently using this approach: build the image, e.g. for PostgreSQL, and then start the container with ``` docker run --vo...

22 Oct at 12:19

Make body have 100% of the browser height

I want to make `body` have 100% of the browser height. Can I do that using CSS? I tried setting `height: 100%`, but it doesn't work. I want to set a background color for a page to fill the entire brow...

24 Jun at 16:36

How do I use vim registers?

I only know of one instance using registers is via whereby I paste text from a clipboard. What are other uses of registers? How to use them? Everything you know about VI registers (let's focus on...

25 Jan at 09:33

Exclude a column using SELECT * [except columnA] FROM tableA?

We all know that to select all columns from a table, we can use ``` SELECT * FROM tableA ``` Is there a way to exclude column(s) from a table without specifying all the columns? ``` SELECT * [exce...

24 Jul at 07:57

Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful?

I've recently run into a rather nasty bug, wherein the code was loading a `<select>` dynamically via JavaScript. This dynamically loaded `<select>` had a pre-selected value. In IE6, we already had c...

14 Jul at 12:38

Switch focus between editor and integrated terminal

Does anyone know the keyboard shortcut (Mac and Linux) to switch the focus between editor and integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code?

19 Mar at 15:52

When to use static methods

I am wondering when to use static methods? Say if I have a class with a few getters and setters, a method or two, and I want those methods only to be invokable on an instance object of the class. Does...

5 Nov at 10:36

How to permanently set $PATH on Linux/Unix

On Linux, how can I add a directory to the $PATH so it remains persistent across different sessions? #### Background I'm trying to add a directory to my path so it will always be in my Linux path. ...

18 Sep at 18:8

Remove rows with all or some NAs (missing values) in data.frame

I'd like to remove the lines in this data frame that: a) `NA` Below is my example data frame. ``` gene hsap mmul mmus rnor cfam 1 ENSG00000208234 0 NA NA NA NA 2 ENSG00000199674 0 2...

12 Aug at 12:32

How do I unload (reload) a Python module?

I have a long-running Python server and would like to be able to upgrade a service without restarting the server. What's the best way do do this? ``` if has changed: unimport foo <-- How ...

14 Jun at 06:4

How to display Base64 images in HTML

I'm having trouble displaying a Base64 image inline. How can I do it? ``` <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Display Image</title> </head> <body> <img style='display:block; width:100px...

25 Jul at 23:43

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap

What is the difference between `HashMap`, `LinkedHashMap` and `TreeMap` in Java? I don't see any difference in the output as all the three has `keySet` and `values`. What are `Hashtable`s? ``` Map m...

30 Jun at 13:49