How do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2017?
I want to add my existing solution to Github and I've watched lots of youtube videos. But all of them only showed me about creating new projects. How can I add the existing project on Github? There is...
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- 14 Feb at 04:24
Data binding in React
What I want to do is when I type some text in an input field, it should appear in another place realtime. Below is my input; ``` <div className="post_input"> <input className='post_data_input_ov...
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- 18 Apr at 00:47
How to start search only when user stops typing?
I need to perform a Search when user stops typing.I know I am supposed to use . But with Can someone please tell me how to invoke a method (that will handle Search) when the user stops typing for a ...
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- 3 Jun at 08:34
C# 7 features don't work within a web project on Visual Studio 2017 RC
I have several projects in the solution, and the C# 7 features, such as tuples and throw expressions, work fine in all of the library projects, but there is a (non Core) web project that doesn't compi...
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- 14 Feb at 04:4
Service Stack - Custom authentication on one route
In my current application, I am using Service Stack with JWT's for security. Security has been implemented and works perfectly. Trouble is, I would like to secure one route differently from the oth...
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- 13 Feb at 22:23
.NET Core Entity Framework - Add migration for Context in class library
I'm having problems adding an initial migration to my Entity Framework database context inside a .NET Core class library. When I run: dotnet ef migrations add migrationName -c PlaceholderContext I g...
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- 19 Jul at 12:17
Is it possible to have a [OneTimeSetup] for ALL tests?
I'm using NUnit to run some Selenium tests and I've got a minor issue I want to see if I can get corrected. What's happening is that the and is running after each fixture finishes. What I want is to...
tqdm in Jupyter Notebook prints new progress bars repeatedly
I am using `tqdm` to print progress in a script I'm running in a Jupyter notebook. I am printing all messages to the console via `tqdm.write()`. However, this still gives me a skewed output like so: [...
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- 20 Jun at 09:12
How to send a file and form data with HttpClient in C#
How can I send a file and form data with the `HttpClient`? I have two ways to send a file or form data. But I want to send both like an HTML form. How can I do that? Thanks. This is my code: ``` ...
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- 21 Jun at 18:26
Add Insecure Registry to Docker
I have a docker 1.12 running on CentOS. I am trying to add insecure registry to it and things mentioned in documentation just don't work. The system uses `systemd` so I created a `/etc/systemd/system/...
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- 27 Dec at 12:9
TypeScript hashmap/dictionary interface
I'm trying to implement a hashmap/dictionary interface. So far I have: ``` export interface IHash { [details: string] : string; } ``` I'm having some trouble understanding what exactly this synta...
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- 29 Dec at 03:24
How to implement XUnit descriptive Assert message?
in XUnit github I found this: [Add Assert.Equal(expected, actual, message) overload #350]( Quote from the answer: > We are a believer in self-documenting...
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- 13 Feb at 13:12
StackService: Preempt user logins and assign roles and permissions on login
I'm looking for a way to assign Roles and Permissions to a user whose email I know but has not yet logged into my service. Auth is done using external auth providers (aad). I played around with clear...
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- 13 Feb at 11:14
Projects load failed in Visual Studio 2015
When I am opening a .sln in Visual Studio 2010, projects are loading properly. But when I open the same solution with Visual Studio 2015 (Professional with Update 1), projects are not getting loaded w...
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- 15 Feb at 15:27
How to implement debounce in Vue2?
I have a simple input box in a Vue template and I would like to use debounce more or less like this: ``` <input type="text" v-model="filterKey" debounce="500"> ``` However the `debounce` property has...
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- 31 Mar at 14:18
Enable OPTIONS header for CORS on .NET Core Web API
I solved this problem after not finding the solution on Stackoverflow, so I am sharing my problem here and the solution in an answer. After enabling a cross domain policy in my .NET Core Web Api appl...
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- 11 Feb at 13:23
Quartz.Net Dependency Injection .Net Core
In my project I have to use Quartz but I don't know what i do wrong. JobFactory: ``` public class IoCJobFactory : IJobFactory { private readonly IServiceProvider _factory; public IoCJobFact...
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- 13 Feb at 08:25
Use attributes for value tuples
In C# 7.0, .NET introduces a new return value tuple types (functional programming), so instead of: ``` [NotNull] WrapperUser Lookup(int id) ``` I'd like to use value tuples: ``` (User, Info) Looku...
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- 13 Feb at 07:56
ServiceStack ORM Lite custom sql LIKE statement wildcard
How do we use a LIKE with wildcards in a custom sql with servicestack ORMLite? Following code does not seem to work: ``` var sql="SELECT TOP 10 Id,Value FROM SomeTable WHERE Value Like '%@term%'" va...
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- 13 Feb at 03:19
Xamarin Forms image size mismatch
I'm implementing a cross-platform app using Xamarin Forms and I'm struggling with a strange bug: I'm trying to create a button with a text upon it. To achieve it, I'm using `AbsoluteLayout`. I've add...
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- 5 Mar at 18:49
Event_Handler of the Done button of a picker
I have a xamarin picker with a list of items and I want to remove the picker when the "done" button is pressed on iPhone and "Oke" button on android. I have the code to remove the picker. But i do...
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- 3 May at 18:33
How to reset ReactJS file input
I have file upload input: ``` <input onChange={this.getFile} id="fileUpload" type="file" className="upload"/> ``` And I handle upload this way: ``` getFile(e) { e.preventDefault(); let rea...
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- 14 May at 07:9
scikit-learn random state in splitting dataset
Can anyone tell me why we set random state to zero in splitting train and test set. ``` X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \ train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.30, random_state=0) ``` I have seen...
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- 6 Nov at 05:3
How to Specify Entity Framework Core Table Mapping?
I've made a simple Entity Framework ASP Core Application that works but I do not know why: I've made a context like this: ``` public class AstootContext : DbContext { public AstootContext(DbContex...
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- 1 Jun at 09:59
How to add custom roles to ASP.NET Core
I've found [this answer]( but it doesn't seem to fit in my ASP Net Core project. Things I am trying to understand: - `aspnetroles``Id``ConcurrencyStamp`- ...
- Modified
- 23 May at 11:54