
Is ServiceStack ORMLite available for .NET Core

I saw some commits for ServiceStakck ORMLite for .NET Core specifically [this]( Can we try it righ...

25 Sep at 11:25

How to update TypeScript to latest version with npm?

Currently I have TypeScript version installed on my machine. I want to update it to latest one i.e. 2.0. How to do this with npm?

29 Aug at 14:51

How does String substring work in Swift

I've been updating some of my old code and answers with Swift 3 but when I got to Swift Strings and Indexing with substrings things got confusing. Specifically I was trying the following: ``` let s...

15 Nov at 02:16

How does String.Index work in Swift

I've been updating some of my old code and answers with Swift 3 but when I got to Swift Strings and Indexing it has been a pain to understand things. Specifically I was trying the following: ``` le...

27 Apr at 15:33

How to call a generic async method using reflection

``` public interface IBar { } public class Bar : IBar { } public class Bar2 : IBar { } public interface IFoo { Task<T> Get<T>(T o) where T : IBar; } public class Foo : IFoo { public async Task<T> ...

24 Sep at 14:40

How to recursively populate a TreeView with JSON data

I have a winforms treeview, I can read data automatically, (a node that is equal to key, and a node inside that is equal to value), but when reading object type, the values inside it are not going to ...

24 Sep at 11:10

How to use Apple's new .p8 certificate for APNs in firebase console

With the recent up gradation of the Apple developer accounts, I am facing a difficulty that while trying to create the push notification certificates, it is providing me with (.p8) certificate instead...

Compiler Error: "error CS0307: The variable 'int' cannot be used with type arguments"

If I have the following code: ``` private void Check(bool a, bool b) { } private void Check(int a, int b, int c, bool flag) { Check(a < b, a > (flag ? c : b - 10)); } ``` I get a compile-time ...

23 Sep at 22:17

What TypeScript version is Visual Studio Code using? How to update it?

How can I tell what version of TypeScript is being used in Visual Studio Code? In particular, I had been using TypeScript 1.8.10 and VSCode 1.4.0. I first updated VSCode to the latest version, which...

24 Sep at 16:49

How to deploy ASP.NET Core UserSecrets to production

I followed the [Safe storage of app secrets during development]( guide over on the docs during development but it does not describe how...

11 May at 11:36

How to post string array using POSTMAN?

I am using Postman to send an array of string to a web API. The web API method looks like: ``` [HttpPost] public async Task<IEnumerable<DocumentDTO>> GetDocuments([FromBody]IEnumerable<string> docume...

19 Mar at 19:26

How restart a stopped docker container

I launch a docker container from an image with the following command: ``` $ docker run -d myimage /bin/bash -c "mycommand" ``` When `"mycommand"` is finished, the container is stopped (I suppose it...

21 Feb at 16:12

How do you send images to node js with Axios?

Is there a way to send an array of images (or a single image) to node using axios? The axios code I'm using(I'm using react js on the front end): ``` onFormSubmit(event){ event.preventDefault();...

pandas: extract date and time from timestamp

I have a `timestamp` column where the timestamp is in the following format ``` 2016-06-16T21:35:17.098+01:00 ``` I want to extract date and time from it. I have done the following: ``` import date...

Error CS1703: Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported - Xamarin + VSTS

I upgraded to the latest Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition), recompiled my projects, checked in a few small code changes and my VSTS build server fails with this error message: > [err...

How to inherit from an abstract base class written in C#

I’m trying to inherit from an abstract .NET base class in Python (2.7) using Python.NET (2.1.0). I’m a Python n00b but from what I understood… Here’s what I managed to do in Python only and which wor...

'T' does not contain a definition

Is it possible to do the following (If so I can't seem to get it working.. forgoing constraints for the moment)... If the type (because it's ommitted) is inferred, what's the problem? ``` private vo...

23 Sep at 11:0

Roslyn Analyzer Rule does not fail the build

Following on from [this]( tutorial from MS, I have created an analyzer for Roslyn. According to the page, you can mark the rule as `DiagnosticS...

How to handle async Start() errors in TopShelf

I have a TopShelf service that uses async code to connect to web services and other application servers. If it's unable to initialize its connections on startup, the service should log some errors an...

23 May at 10:29

Entity Framework update/insert multiple entities

Just a bit of an outline of what i am trying to accomplish. We keep a local copy of a remote database (3rd party) within our application. To download the information we use an api. We currently downlo...

23 Sep at 09:1

Xcode: Could not locate device support files

As i am trying to run my application from newly updated to my which is running It throws below error, []( And, this is my version, [](

8 Dec at 20:12

What happened to the .pull-left and .pull-right classes in Bootstrap 4?

In the newest version the pull-left and pull-right have been replaced by .pull-{xs,sm,md,lg,xl}-{left,right,none} That means that instead of writing a simple `class="pull-right"`, I will have now to ...

6 Dec at 20:38

ResizeEnd event is not triggered when resizing the form by maximize button?

In my application the `ResizeEnd` event is triggered when resizing the form by dragging the corners, but it will not be triggered when I click the maximize button. The `Resize` event does not work in ...

7 May at 02:12

await for a PushModalAsync form to closed in xamarin forms

I have a page and on clicking a plus button on toolbar i am calling a popup page from popup page user can add a new entry or cancel / close window without doing anything Everything is working fine...

23 Sep at 04:59

How to find the size or shape of a DataFrame in PySpark?

I am trying to find out the size/shape of a DataFrame in PySpark. I do not see a single function that can do this. In Python, I can do this: ``` data.shape() ``` Is there a similar function in PySpar...

9 Nov at 02:15