await for a PushModalAsync form to closed in xamarin forms
I have a page and on clicking a plus button on toolbar i am calling a popup page from popup page user can add a new entry or cancel / close window without doing anything Everything is working fine...
- Modified
- 23 Sep at 04:59
How to find the size or shape of a DataFrame in PySpark?
I am trying to find out the size/shape of a DataFrame in PySpark. I do not see a single function that can do this. In Python, I can do this: ``` data.shape() ``` Is there a similar function in PySpar...
Pass react component as props
Lets say I have: ``` import Statement from './Statement'; import SchoolDetails from './SchoolDetails'; import AuthorizedStaff from './AuthorizedStaff'; const MultiTab = () => ( <Tabs initialIndex={...
- Modified
- 23 Dec at 06:12
Is it possible to make desktop GUI application in .NET Core?
I have been developing Windows Forms programs for few years. I am now looking into .NET Core (including ASP.NET Core MVC). I am searching for the new GUI desktop technology. In Visual Studio 2015 upda...
How to prevent Browser cache on Angular 2 site?
We're currently working on a new project with regular updates that's being used daily by one of our clients. This project is being developed using angular 2 and we're facing cache issues, that is our ...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 19:54
PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value
After typing `cordova run android` in terminal, I'm getting this error: ``` Waiting for emulator to start... PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [/Users/username/Library/...
How to take the nth digit of a number in python
I want to take the nth digit from an N digit number in python. For example: ``` number = 9876543210 i = 4 number[i] # should return 6 ``` How can I do something like that in python? Should I chang...
Can I generate script of a migration with EF code first and .net core
I'm building a MVC application with .Net Core and I need to generate the script of a migration. With EF6 I did run the command ``` update-database -script ``` but when I try to do the same with .net ...
- Modified
- 7 Sep at 16:41
Convert Graphql to SQL?
We have existing SQL Server database and we are using C#. Lets say our mobile client send a graphql to server. How can I convert this SQL, so that my client get the data what he expect?
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 15:47
Postgres: check if array field contains value?
I'm sure this is a duplicate question in the sense that the answer is out there somewhere, but I haven't been able to find the answer after Googling for 10 minutes, so I'd appeal to the editors not to...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 15:45
Using Pipes within ngModel on INPUT Elements in Angular
I've an HTML INPUT field. ``` <input [(ngModel)]="item.value" name="inputField" type="text" /> ``` and I want to format its value and use an existing pipe: ``` .... [(ngModel)]="i...
- Modified
- 20 May at 15:8
RabbitMQ + C# + SSL
I'm trying to use C# to get RabbitMQ 3.6.2 to use SSL/TLS on Windows 7 against Erlang 18.0. I'm running into errors when I'm enabling SSL in my C# code. I have gone through the steps to set up SSL/T...
Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.Char'
I'm getting the following error trying to group and sum some values via LINQ in EF6: > Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.Char'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported...
Create UserControl in non-UI thread Silverlight 5 browser application
I have a Silverlight 5 browser application. There is a class ``` public class ActivityControl:UserControl { public void LoadSubControls() { //Creates Other UserControls, does calculatio...
- Modified
- 19 Oct at 13:10
How to mock function returning void task
I have a function ``` public Task DoSomethingAsync(); ``` which I want to mock for testing purposes. What is the right way to implement the return value of such a method. If it would return `Task...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 12:45
How to overlay items in StackPanel or ListView?
I am making a card game and I want to display cards in player's hand half-covered be each other. How can I do that using ListView or StackPanel? Here is an example how I would like to display player h...
C# How to add a property setter in derived class?
I have a requirement where I have a number of classes all derived from a single base class. The base class contains lists of child classes also derived from the same base class. All classes need to ...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 11:19
How to filter "Include" entities in entity framework?
Entities: ``` public class Room { public Room() { this.Reservations = new HashSet<Reservation>(); } public int Id { get; set; } public decima...
- Modified
- 7 Mar at 10:9
nvm uninstall doesn't actually uninstall the node version
So I'm trying to clear out older versions of node.js. I start with: ``` $ nvm ls v0.10.30 v4.2.3 -> v6.6.0 system ``` I don't want the older versions, so I then do: ``` $ nvm...
How do I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows?
How can I remove the current process/application which is already assigned to a port? For example: `localhost:8080`
- Modified
- 20 Jan at 09:21
How to set image width to be 100% and height to be auto in react native?
I am trying to display list of images in a scrollview. Width should be 100%, while height should be automatic, keeping aspect ratio. The searches I did pointed to various solutions which give fullscr...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 06:37
Access template reference variables from component class
``` <div> <input #ipt type="text"/> </div> ``` Is it possible to access the template access variable from the component class? i.e., can I access it here, ``` class XComponent{ somefunction(...
- Modified
- 4 Mar at 21:21
Request Permission for Camera and Library in iOS 10 - Info.plist
I have implemented a WKWebView in an app. there's a file input in the shown web page where it should import an image from photos. Whenever i press on that input and select either "Take Photo" or "Phot...
Copying Content files on build with Visual Studio Code
I'm working on a C# project that has Content files. In MonoDevelop, I can set the type to `Content` and the `Build Action` to `Copy if Newer`. I can do something similar in Visual Studio. How do I do...
- Modified
- 22 Sep at 01:47