TypeNameHandling caution in Newtonsoft Json
On [this](http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/T_Newtonsoft_Json_TypeNameHandling.htm) link, in remarks section it's mentioned that: > `TypeNameHandling` should be used with caution when your app...
- Modified
- 28 Apr at 12:7
CsvHelper changing how dates and times are output
I am using [CsvHelper](https://joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/) to write some CSV files and want to change the format of my dates and times to something specific. Following the advice from [https://st...
MS Sync Framework and SQL Server Compact
I develop a Windows C# application which can work in Online and Offline mode. When in Online mode it connects to a SQL Server. In Offline mode it connects to a local DB. I use the Microsoft Sync Fram...
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- 20 Sep at 20:54
ServicePointManager in ASP.NET Core
I'm trying to convert an existing class library code to a .NET Core class library. In that code in a `static` constructor I have the following: ``` ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 100; S...
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- 8 Sep at 08:9
TypeScript-'s Angular Framework Error - "There is no directive with exportAs set to ngForm"
I keep getting this error while using TypeScript's Angular2-forms framework: > `directive` Here's my code project dependencies : ``` "dependencies": { "@angular/common": "2.0.0-rc.6", "@an...
- Modified
- 13 Apr at 06:21
Cannot find module 'react'
I'm attempting to integrate React into an existing web page. At this time, I'm unable to get my React app loaded. My React app has two files. At this time, they look like this: ``` import React fro...
- Modified
- 18 Sep at 13:23
Sublime text 3. How to edit multiple lines?
I was using Notepad++ and now I want to use the same cool features in Sublime but I don't know how. I want to edit multiple lines at the same time like this: [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/o9rtC.png) ...
- Modified
- 22 Jan at 16:54
Difference between Command (ICommand) and Click event
When should I use the `Command` and when to use the `Click` event? F.e. if I have a `Button` in my UWP app what should I use?
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- 18 Sep at 09:38
ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', service 'volumes' must be a mapping not an array
My docker-compose.yml looks like the below and I am trying to follow the compose file from the docker registry documentation [here](https://docs.docker.com/registry/deploying/). When i run docker-comp...
- Modified
- 25 Aug at 03:55
How to create unique keys for React elements?
I am making a React app that allows you to make a list and save it, but React has been giving me a warning that my elements don't have a unique key prop (elements List/ListForm). How should I create a...
- Modified
- 17 Sep at 16:57
React-Native, Scroll View Not Scrolling
When I wrap content like this example below, it scrolls Perfectly.. ``` return( <ScrollView> <Text> TEST </Text> <Text> TEST </Text> <Text> TEST </Text> <Text> TES...
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- 11 Oct at 13:40
C# List definition, parentheses vs curly braces
I've just noticed that when you declare a `List` in c# you can put parentheses or curly braces at the end. ``` List<string> myList = new List<string>(); List<string> myList2 = new List<string>{}; ```...
<ng-container> vs <template>
`ng-container` is mentioned in the [official documentation](https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives#ng-container) but I'm still trying to understand how it works and what are use cases. It is p...
- Modified
- 2 Jan at 13:36
How to open an URL in Swift?
`openURL` has been deprecated in Swift 3. Can anyone provide some examples of how the replacement `openURL:options:completionHandler:` works when trying to open an url?
Updating user by UserManager.Update() in ASP.NET Identity 2
I use `ASP.NET Identity 2` in an `MVC 5` project and I want to update `Student` data by using `UserManager.Update()` method. However, as I inherit from `ApplicationUser` class, I need to map `Student`...
- Modified
- 17 Sep at 09:13
Enable VT-x in your BIOS security settings (refer to documentation for your computer)
While I was adding a virtual device in my Android Studio, Android Studio is Showing This Error. See This Image: [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/X4fNh.jpg) .
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- 17 Sep at 04:47
Azure Functions - Shared classes
I want to use some shared classes on my Azure Functions to not duplicate code. I have tried to create a empty C# function and create the classes inside the function and then import to the other funct...
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- 27 Jul at 08:48
pyvenv not working because ensurepip is not available
I upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 16.04 a few days ago. When I try to create a virtual env by using ``` pyvenv .venv ``` or ``` python3 -m venv .venv ``` There is an error: ``` The virtual envi...
- Modified
- 22 Jan at 15:40
Using setTimeout on promise chain
Here i am trying to wrap my head around promises.Here on first request i fetch a set of links.and on next request i fetch the content of first link.But i want to make a delay before returning next pro...
- Modified
- 14 Dec at 08:21
How to add new column in existing View in SQL-Server 2014 using Alter
I have created a view that is based on another view and a table. I want to add new column of type varchar. I did like below, But getting syntax error? I am new to SQL, So,could not understand ``` ALT...
- Modified
- 16 Sep at 15:34
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "..." is denied
I have C# wpf installation done with .net using click once installation. All works fine. Then I have the following code which is part of the installed program: ``` String destinationPath = System.Win...
TypeError: first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of type "DataFrame"
I have a big dataframe and I try to split that and after `concat` that. I use ``` df2 = pd.read_csv('et_users.csv', header=None, names=names2, chunksize=100000) for chunk in df2: chunk['ID'] = ch...
Multiselect from Ax 2012 Listpage (EP) to downloadDocument.aspx
I have been struggling with this for a while now and can't seem to find a solution for my problem. I would really like some help here if possible, it would mean a great deal to me. I'm currently runn...
- Modified
- 27 Mar at 11:5
C# get location of knownfolder by ID
I want to get the location of a directory/folder by its ID. For example, the Downloads folder has the ID `knownfolder:{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}`, when I enter it into the address bar of w...
- Modified
- 16 Sep at 13:11