Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID
``` soup.find("tagName", { "id" : "articlebody" }) ``` Why does this NOT return the `<div id="articlebody"> ... </div>` tags and stuff in between? It returns nothing. And I know for a fact it exists...
- Modified
- 7 Jun at 01:15
How to get the domain name of my site within a Django template?
How do I get the domain name of my current site from within a Django template? I've tried looking in the tag and filters but nothing there.
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- 24 Oct at 07:53
MySQL high CPU usage
Recently my server CPU has been going very high. CPU load averages 13.91 (1 min) 11.72 (5 mins) 8.01 (15 mins) and my site has only had a slight increase in traffic. After running a top command, I s...
How to ensure a <select> form field is submitted when it is disabled?
I have a `select` form field that I want to mark as "readonly", as in the user cannot modify the value, but the value is still submitted with the form. Using the `disabled` attribute prevents the use...
- Modified
- 16 Nov at 15:52
How to word wrap text in HTML?
How can text like `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` which exceeds the width of a `div` (say `200px`) be wrapped? I am open to any kind of solution such as CSS, jQuery, etc.
Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities
``` var items = from c in contacts select new ListItem { Value = c.ContactId, //Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' (ContactId) to 'string' (Value). ...
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- 1 Jul at 00:20
How do you concatenate Lists in C#?
If I have: ``` List<string> myList1; List<string> myList2; myList1 = getMeAList(); // Checked myList1, it contains 4 strings myList2 = getMeAnotherList(); // Checked myList2, it contains 6 strings ...
- Modified
- 10 May at 12:44
How do I remove the first characters of a specific column in a table?
In SQL, how can I remove the first 4 characters of values of a specific column in a table? Column name is `Student Code` and an example value is `ABCD123Stu1231`. I want to remove first 4 chars from ...
- Modified
- 6 Dec at 17:49
Is there a jQuery unfocus method?
How can I unfocus a textarea or input? I couldn't find a `$('#my-textarea').unfocus();` method?
- Modified
- 9 Aug at 15:20
Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments?
I was wondering if it is possible to save C# code fragments to a text file (or any input stream), and then execute those dynamically? Assuming what is provided to me would compile fine within any Main...
- Modified
- 4 Oct at 13:32
Breadth First Vs Depth First
When Traversing a Tree/Graph what is the difference between Breadth First and Depth first? Any coding or pseudocode examples would be great.
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- 5 Jun at 17:59
How do I determine file encoding in OS X?
I'm trying to enter some UTF-8 characters into a LaTeX file in [TextMate]( (which says its default encoding is UTF-8), but LaTeX doesn't seem to understand them. ...
What are major differences between C# and Java?
I just want to clarify one thing. This is not a question on which one is better, that part I leave to someone else to discuss. I don't care about it. I've been asked this question on my job interview ...
Creating a DateTime in a specific Time Zone in c#
I'm trying to create a unit test to test the case for when the timezone changes on a machine because it has been incorrectly set and then corrected. In the test I need to be able to create DateTime o...
What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?
What are Null Pointer Exceptions (`java.lang.NullPointerException`) and what causes them? What methods/tools can be used to determine the cause so that you stop the exception from causing the program...
- Modified
- 26 May at 16:15
Making iTerm to translate 'meta-key' in the same way as in other OSes
In bash shell with emacs key-binding, you can use key combination like M-f, M-b to move one word forward or backward on the shell prompt respectively. Usually, the meta key is mapped to Alt key on Win...
- Modified
- 14 Oct at 02:44
Using the "final" modifier whenever applicable in Java
In Java, there is a practice of declaring every variable (local or class), parameter final if they really are. Though this makes the code a lot more verbose, this helps in easy reading/grasping of th...
What are attributes in .NET?
What are attributes in .NET, what are they good for, and how do I create my own attributes?
- Modified
- 18 Apr at 19:58
How to change status bar color in Flutter?
I am trying to change the status bar color to white. I found [this]( pub on flutter. I tried to use the example code on my dart files.
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- 10 Sep at 08:34
Error: 'types' can only be used in a .ts file - Visual Studio Code using @ts-check
I am starting to use TypeScript in a Node project I am working on in Visual Studio Code. I wanted to follow the "opt-in" strategy, similar to Flow. Therefore I put `// @ts-check` at the top of my `.js...
- Modified
- 1 Mar at 19:29
How and where to use ::ng-deep?
How and where can one use `::ng-deep` in Angular 4? Actually I want to overwrite some of the CSS properties of the child components from the parent components. Moreover is it supported on IE11?
- Modified
- 29 Dec at 03:7
Disable click outside of angular material dialog area to close the dialog (With Angular Version 4.0+)
I am currently working on password reset page of an Angular 4 project. We are using Angular Material to create the dialog, however, when the client clicks out of the dialog, it will close automaticall...
- Modified
- 29 Feb at 16:57
Equal height rows in CSS Grid Layout
I gather that this is impossible to achieve using Flexbox, as each row can only be the minimal height required to fit its elements, but can this be achieved using the newer CSS Grid? To be clear, I w...
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- 12 Jun at 18:32
Homebrew: list available versions with new formula@version format
Homebrew recently deprecated `homebrew/versions` in favour of making versions available on `homebrew/core` via the new `formula@version` format. For example (as per [this answer](https://stackoverflow...
- Modified
- 23 May at 11:47
Error: Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK - Android
I know there are lots of questions similiar to this one, but i couldn't find a solution for my problem in any of those. Besides, I'll provide details for my specific case. I coded an Ionic project in...
- Modified
- 6 Mar at 20:38