
How to determine the version of the C++ standard used by the compiler?

How do you determine what version of the C++ standard is implemented by your compiler? As far as I know, below are the standards I've known: - -

24 Feb at 09:21

Tracing XML request/responses with JAX-WS

Is there an easy way (aka: not using a proxy) to get access to the raw request/response XML for a webservice published with JAX-WS reference implementation (the one included in JDK 1.5 and better) ? B...

22 Dec at 11:33

Is there a generic constructor with parameter constraint in C#?

In C# you can put a constraint on a generic method like: ``` public class A { public static void Method<T> (T a) where T : new() { // something... } } ``` Where you specify t...

Copy table without copying data

``` CREATE TABLE foo SELECT * FROM bar ``` copies the table `foo` and duplicates it as a new table called `bar`. How can I copy the schema of `foo` to a new table called `bar` copying over the dat...

24 Apr at 01:36

Append a Lists Contents to another List C#

I have the following: 1. A main List called GlobalStrings 2. Another List called localStrings In a loop for example: ``` List<string> GlobalStrings = new List<string>(); List<string> localStrin...

8 May at 10:16

How to change the Content of a <textarea> with JavaScript

How would I change the content of a `<textarea>` element with JavaScript? I want to make it empty.

4 Dec at 05:22

How can I configure rsync to create target directory on remote server?

I would like to `rsync` from local computer to server. On a directory that does not exist, and I want `rsync` to create that directory on the server first. How can I do that?

1 May at 15:27

How to set session timeout in web.config

I have tried very hard but cannot find a solution on how to set session timeout value for in-process session for an ASP.Net web application. I am using VSTS 2008 + .Net 3.5 + C#. Here is what I wrote...

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

Is there a way to get the following function declaration? ``` public bool Foo<T>() where T : interface; ``` ie. where T is an interface type (similar to `where T : class`, and `struct`). Currently...

6 Apr at 20:44

How to read a CSV file into a .NET Datatable

How can I load a CSV file into a `System.Data.DataTable`, creating the datatable based on the CSV file? Does the regular functionality allow this?

19 Aug at 14:0

How to parse a date?

I am trying to parse this date with `SimpleDateFormat` and it is not working: ``` import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class Formaterclas...

1 Jul at 17:12

How to use a link to call JavaScript?

How to use a link to call JavaScript code?

28 Jan at 02:52

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery? I want to dynamically add options into select and so I need to check whether the option is already exist to prevent duplication.

3 May at 07:14

WPF chart controls

I am looking for a very simple WPF chart which should have a 2D graph and should have pan and zoom facilities .

16 Dec at 14:29

Convert Enum to String

Which is the preferred way to convert an Enum to a String in .NET 3.5? - - - Why should I prefer one of these over the others? Does one perform better?

29 Oct at 19:8

When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect?

The general advice is that you should not call `GC.Collect` from your code, but what are the exceptions to this rule? I can only think of a few very specific cases where it may make sense to force a g...

28 Sep at 12:1

Max or Default?

What is the best way to get the Max value from a LINQ query that may return no rows? If I just do ``` Dim x = (From y In context.MyTable _ Where y.MyField = value _ Select y.MyCount...

10 Nov at 21:12

How do I load the contents of a text file into a javascript variable?

I have a text file in the root of my web app [http://localhost/foo.txt](http://localhost/foo.txt) and I'd like to load it into a variable in javascript.. in groovy I would do this: ``` def fileConten...

13 Oct at 01:57

Counting array elements in Python

How can I count the number of elements in an array, because contrary to logic array.count(string) does not count all the elements in the array, it just searches for the number of occurrences of string...

9 Oct at 14:12

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

I have an application in C# (2.0 running on XP embedded) that is communicating with a 'watchdog' that is implemented as a Windows Service. When the device boots, this service typically takes some time...

28 Jul at 23:30

How to create a file with a given size in Linux?

For testing purposes I have to generate a file of a certain size (to test an upload limit). What is a command to create a file of a certain size on Linux?

26 Sep at 12:50

How do I trim leading/trailing whitespace in a standard way?

Is there a clean, preferably standard method of trimming leading and trailing whitespace from a string in C? I'd roll my own, but I would think this is a common problem with an equally common solution...

23 Aug at 02:9

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

Is there any way to create the for doing a in JavaScript? Just like in Python you have [urllib.urlencode()](

13 Oct at 20:45

Select N random elements from a List<T> in C#

I need a quick algorithm to select 5 random elements from a generic list. For example, I'd like to get 5 random elements from a `List<string>`.

How to apply an XSLT Stylesheet in C#

I want to apply an XSLT Stylesheet to an XML Document using C# and write the output to a File.

18 Jan at 20:41