Why a value of type null cannot be used as a default parameter with type double?
Quick Question: [MSDN - Named and Optional Arguments (C# Programming Guide)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd264739.aspx) states clearly that > " So instead of this: ``` class MyClass ...
- Modified
- 20 Jul at 18:43
Overwrite specific partitions in spark dataframe write method
I want to overwrite specific partitions instead of all in spark. I am trying the following command: ``` df.write.orc('maprfs:///hdfs-base-path','overwrite',partitionBy='col4') ``` where df is dataf...
- Modified
- 15 Sep at 10:3
Posting files and model to controller in ASP.NET Core MVC6
I'm migrating a project from ASP.NET RC1 to ASP.NET Core 1.0. I have a view that allows users to upload one of more files, which I post using Jquery Ajax. I also serialize and post some settings with...
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- 2 Aug at 16:54
c# - Get AssemblyTitle
I know the .NET Core replacement for `Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()` is `typeof(MyType).GetTypeInfo().Assembly`, but what about the replacement for ``` Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttri...
How to add a classname/id to React-Bootstrap Component?
Suppose we are using Row from React-Bootstrap... How do we style it without using a wrapper or inner element: ``` <Row> <div className='some-style'> ... </Row> ``` Ideally, we could just do: ```...
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- 4 Jan at 07:0
How to run only one job concurrently?
I have one hangfire server with ~50 recurring jobs. Hangfire setting up on IIS like in [this example][1]. Recurring jobs added to hangfire in startup.cs like this: I need to add new recurring job whic...
"Please provide a valid cache path" error in laravel
I duplicated a working laravel app and renamed it to use for another app. I deleted the vendor folder and run the following commands again: ``` composer self-update composer-update npm install bo...
$http.post() not saving encrypted session id in cookie after succesfull login on nodejs server
I have created a mean stack authentication project. If I post username and password from html form, then after successful login the server generate a session and the encrypted session id is automatica...
- Modified
- 20 Jul at 14:16
What does "The type T must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter" mean?
I'm trying to create a generic controller on my C#/MVC/Entity Framework application. ``` public class GenericRecordController<T> : Controller { private DbSet<T> Table; // ... public act...
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- 21 Nov at 17:53
Redirect url to previous page in laravel
How to redirect to previous page in laravel5.2 like URI Referrer in php. I've tried $request->url(); but it gets the current url. I've a form and list pages.There are many lists that redirects to ...
Get the list of installed packages by user in R
How we can get the list of installed packages by user in R along with its version? I know about the command `installed.packages()` which will give information about all packages (base or non-base). B...
Getting "Cannot call a class as a function" in my React Project
I'm trying to add a React map component to my project but run into an error. I'm using Fullstack React's [blog post](https://www.fullstackreact.com/articles/how-to-write-a-google-maps-react-component/...
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- 20 Jul at 16:52
Serilog : Log to different files
I am logging events of all types to single Json file irrespective of LogLevel. Now I have a requirement to log some custom performance counters to a seperate Json file. How can this be done in Serilog...
Windows Application - handle taskkill
I have a C# application which's `Output Type` is set to `Windows Application`, so it is basically just a process running in the background. I can see the process in task manager, and I am trying to gr...
Builder pattern with nested objects
Hi I'm stuck with a problem. I want to implement the builder pattern to make creating my objects easier. The problem I face has to do with nested object. The object I would like to create has a list ...
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- 20 Jul at 12:5
What are the parameters for the number Pipe - Angular 2
I have used the number pipe below to limit numbers to two decimal places. ``` {{ exampleNumber | number : '1.2-2' }} ``` I was wondering what the logic behind '1.2-2' was? I have played around with...
servicestack app on web host
I have mvc integrated with serviceStack app and it works fine when it is not hosted. On the internet website crashes when I try to get data from the database through service. Do I need another connect...
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- 20 Jul at 09:26
How to set .NET Core in #if statement for compilation
I created a multi-targeted framework project. I use something like this: ``` #if NET40 Console.WriteLine("Hello from .NET Core 4"); #endif ``` But I can't find a wildcard for .NET Core. I tri...
- Modified
- 27 Dec at 11:27
How to resolve unable to acquire singleton lock issue in Azure WebJob?
I am getting unable to acquire singleton lock issue when I am running the application locally. How may I resolve it? Below is my code ```csharp static void Main() { JobHostConfiguration config = new...
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- 23 May at 12:34
What does this[string key] mean
I looked at `IRequestCookieCollection` code from `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http` assembly: ``` // // Summary: // Represents the HttpRequest cookie collection [DefaultMember("Item")] public in...
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- 20 Jul at 07:41
How to change the operation names of a ServiceStack soap12 proxy?
Given the following service definition: ``` public class RuleEngineServices : Service { public object Any(ExecuteRule request) { var response = new ExecuteRuleResponse(); re...
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- 19 Jul at 21:11
RealProxy in dotnet core?
I'm working with the namespaces `System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies` and `System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging` for AOP in C#. I'm trying to port my application from .Net Framework 4.6 to dnxcore/dotnet cor...
Import JavaScript file and call functions using webpack, ES6, ReactJS
Trying to do something I would think would be very simple. I would like to import an existing JavaScript library and then call it's functions. So for example I would like to import blah.js and then c...
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- 19 Jul at 20:7
PATCH when working with DTO
I'm working on asp.net core webAPi and EF core, and want to implement "update" operation (partially edit entity). I searched the correct way to deal with that, and saw that I should use jsonPatch. the...
- Modified
- 20 Jun at 09:12