
How do I get NuGet to install/update all the packages in the packages.config?

I have a solution with multiple projects in it. Most of the third party references are missing, yet there are `packages.config` file for each project. Does this need to be done via command line for ...

30 Nov at 05:51

Volatile vs. Interlocked vs. lock

Let's say that a class has a `public int counter` field that is accessed by multiple threads. This `int` is only incremented or decremented. To increment this field, which approach should be used, an...

How to set focus on input field?

What is the 'Angular way' to set focus on input field in AngularJS? More specific requirements: 1. When a Modal is opened, set focus on a predefined <input> inside this Modal. 2. Every time <input> b...

22 Jun at 23:33

How can I retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework?

I have a problem with Entity Framework in ASP.NET. I want to get the Id value whenever I add an object to database. How can I do this? According to [Entity Framework]( the...

10 Sep at 15:52

How do I view the SQL generated by the Entity Framework?

How do I view the SQL generated by entity framework ? (In my particular case I'm using the mysql provider - if it matters)

6 Oct at 14:55

How to get URL parameter using jQuery or plain JavaScript?

I have seen lots of jQuery examples where parameter size and name are unknown. My URL is only going to ever have 1 string: ``` ``` I just want to detect: 1. Does sent...

How to link to a named anchor in Multimarkdown?

I have come across a number of mentions of MultiMarkdown's support for internal links / named anchors but I am unable to find a single example of how to actually do it. So, what is the syntax for de...

30 Jul at 12:14

How do you trigger a block after a delay, like -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:?

Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay, like using `performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:` but with an argument like `int`/`double`/`float`?

How to move screen without moving cursor in Vim?

I recently discovered + and + shortcuts for Vim that respectively move the screen up and down with a one line step, . Do you know any command that leaves the cursor where it is but moves the screen s...

20 Nov at 14:30

C# DateTime to "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" format

I want to convert a C# DateTime to "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" format. But I don't find a built in method to get this format? Any comments?

27 Jun at 05:17

How can I revert a single file to a previous version?

Is there a way to go through different commits on a file. Say I modified a file 5 times and I want to go back to change 2, after I already committed and pushed to a repository. In my understanding t...

25 Feb at 14:46

How do I alias commands in git?

I saw a screencast where someone had gotten ``` git st git ci ``` to work. When I do it I get an error asking me if I meant something else. Being a git newb, I need to know what you have to do to...

9 Jun at 11:44

How to resolve "Error: bad index – Fatal: index file corrupt" when using Git

After `git init`, I added and committed a few files, made some changes, added and committed. Set up the git daemon (running under Cygwin on WinXP) and cloned the repository once. Now, I get this erro...

23 Sep at 02:35

How to update a value, given a key in a hashmap?

Suppose we have a `HashMap<String, Integer>` in Java. How do I update (increment) the integer-value of the string-key for each existence of the string I find? One could remove and reenter the pair, ...

26 Jun at 18:28

How to print instances of a class using print()?

When I try to `print` an instance of a class, I get an output like this: ``` >>> class Test(): ... def __init__(self): ... self.a = 'foo' ... >>> print(Test()) <__main__.Test object at 0x7...

1 Feb at 20:13

There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first

I have this query and I get the error in this function: ``` var accounts = from account in context.Accounts from guranteer in account.Gurantors select new AccountsReport...

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?

I know how delegates work, and I know how I can use them. But how do I create them?

Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.6

When trying to run the Example CorDapp ([GitHub CorDapp]( via IntelliJ, I receive the following error: > Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into...

23 Jul at 15:37

jQuery get value of selected radio button

The problem statement is simple. I need to see if user has selected a radio button from a radio group. Every radio button in the group share same id. The problem is that I don't have control on how t...

24 Dec at 02:43

Read file line by line using ifstream in C++

The contents of file.txt are: ``` 5 3 6 4 7 1 10 5 11 6 12 3 12 4 ``` Where `5 3` is a coordinate pair. How do I process this data line by line in C++? I am able to get the first line, but how do I g...

26 Jun at 12:45

HTML-encoding lost when attribute read from input field

I’m using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example, ``` <input id='hiddenId' type='hidden' value='chalk &...

Can I force pip to reinstall the current version?

I've come across situations where a current version of a package seems not to be working and requires reinstallation. But `pip install -U` won't touch a package that is already up-to-date. I see how t...

23 Oct at 17:54

What do ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) mean in a function call?

In code like `zip(*x)` or `f(**k)`, what do the `*` and `**` respectively mean? How does Python implement that behaviour, and what are the performance implications? --- [Expanding tuples into argum...

Eliminate extra separators below UITableView

When I set up a table view with 4 rows, there are still extra separators lines (or extra blank cells) below the filled rows. How would I remove these cells? [](

10 Jun at 00:27

How to remove the border highlight on an input text element

When an HTML element is 'focused' (currently selected/tabbed into), many browsers (at least Safari and Chrome) will put a blue border around it. For the layout I am working on, this is distracting an...

8 Mar at 23:16