ASP.NET Core 3.1 : Shared Localization not working for version 3.1
I may be not doing the correct configurations in the `Startup.cs` file. I have created a demo application to make it working, but after trying various things it is not working. The demo repository is ...
- Modified
- 24 Sep at 16:39
C# ServiceStack post Deadlock
I am calling an API many times per second. Its causing deadlocks. Can anyone propose a solution to solving this? I am running .netcore 2.2 MVC service ``` public async Task Post(DeviceEndpointInsert...
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- 1 Feb at 02:27
Play sound on the client in Blazor?
I have a server-hosted Blazor application, and I'm trying to figure out how to play a sound on the client side when clicking a button (without touching JavaScript, ugh). What I've tried: ```csha...
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- 2 May at 02:47
Directory.GetFiles doesn't pick up all files
I have some code that is meant to get files in a directory, which is simple enough ``` foreach (var Totalfile in new DirectoryInfo(rootfolder).GetFiles("*Totals*.csv", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))...
ERROR: Loading local data is disabled - this must be enabled on both the client and server sides
I don't understand the responses that others have provided to similar questions except for the most obvious ones, such as the one below: ``` mysql> SET GLOBAL local_infile=1; Query OK, 0 rows affecte...
CentOS 8 - yum/dnf error: Failed to download metadata for repo
On my CentOS 8 server, many `dnf` and `yum` commands fail with this error: > Failed to download metadata for repo This seems to apply only to repositories involving https connections, e.g.: ``` /et...
- Modified
- 9 Jun at 11:50
The injection point has the following annotations: - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)
I am new to Spring Boot and I'm getting the following error when writing a file upload API: ``` Error:Description: Field fileStorageService in com.primesolutions.fileupload.controller.FileController...
- Modified
- 30 Jan at 21:40
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ix'
I am getting this error when I try to use the .ix attribute of a pandas data frame to pull out a column, e.g. `df.ix[:, 'col_header']`. ``` AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ix' ```...
TypeScript React.FC<Props> confusion
I am learning TypeScript and some bits are confusing to me. One bit is below: ``` interface Props { name: string; } const PrintName: React.FC<Props> = (props) => { return ( <div> <p sty...
- Modified
- 28 Jan at 12:23
Registering displayName with ServiceStack's ServerEventsClient before invoking Start
I am developing a small chat implementation in my app and I want to be notified when someone has joined/left the channel and who that person is. On the client side I am listening to `OnJoin` and `OnL...
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- 30 Jan at 13:18
Using MapFallbackToController endpoint works locally with iis express & kestrel, uses the fallback instead of a higher priority route on IIS
After switching from .net core 2.2 to 3.0 and then 3.1 locally we switched to endpoint routing. I have the following routes : ``` app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { // Using this fo...
- Modified
- 5 Feb at 09:35
How implement Push Notifications firebase xamarin.ios c#
I'm developing an application that works on the iPhone through the xamarin.ios with firebase backend. I want , but I couldn't, I want that code in AppDelegate.cs
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- 30 Jan at 15:14
Running a query over http using servicestack ormlite
I have an app running in the browser. The client is fetching data from the server using .net core WEBAPI. normal REST requests. Something like a criteria parser... I wonder if there is a way to pass...
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- 30 Jan at 13:36
Error: Failed to launch the browser process puppeteer
checked failed crashForExceptionInNonABIComplianceCodeRange the code below its functon is to create PDF file ``` (async function() { try { const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); ...
Using memory maps with a service
I built an application that can also be ran as a service (using a `-service`) switch. This works perfectly with no issues when I'm running the service from a command prompt (I have something set up t...
- Modified
- 28 Feb at 22:11
Why can I declare a child variable with the same name as a variable in the parent scope?
I wrote some code recently where I unintentionally reused a variable name as a parameter of an action declared within a function that already has a variable of the same name. For example: ``` var x =...
- Modified
- 29 Jan at 18:48
SharpScript .ss file works to connect to database, but same code doesn't work when served to local web-browser?
I have a SharpScript .ss script file with some small code that polls a database and formats things to display. The output is getting too unruly for command line output so I wanted to generate html and...
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- 29 Jan at 15:51
Servicestack Ormlite - weak / generic reference (like ReferencesAny in nhibernate)
In nHibernate you can declare a column as `object` and map it as weak reference: ``` public virtual object TableRef{get;set;} // then in the fluent mapping: ReferencesAny(x => x.TableRef) ``` How ...
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- 30 Jan at 08:52
How to switch ApartmentState of a thread that has already been started
I'm using ServiceStack's SSE feature in WPF as a chat mechanism. I have registered OnMessage method and in it I am creating a chat message view after receiving the appropriate message from server. I'm...
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- 29 Jan at 13:1
How to use GroupBy in an asynchronous manner in EF Core 3.1?
When I use GroupBy as part of a LINQ query to EFCore, I get the error `System.InvalidOperationException: Client-side GroupBy is not supported`. This is because EF Core 3.1 attempts to evaluate queri...
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- 29 Jan at 11:47
Nested Classes with Typescript and ServiceStack
We are using [typescript-ref]( to generate the dtos.ts file. The issue is that the resp...
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- 29 Jan at 08:27
How to add an appsettings.json file to my Azure Function 3.0 configuration?
The new Azure Function 3.0 SDK provides a way to implement a Startup class. It gives access to the collection of services that are available by dependency injection, where I can add my own components ...
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- 29 Jan at 01:4
Using IAsyncEnumerable with Dapper
We have recently migrated our ASP.NET Core API which uses `Dapper` to .NET Core 3.1. After the migration, we felt there was an opportunity to use the latest `IAsyncEnumerable` feature from `C# 8` for ...
- Modified
- 21 Mar at 18:33
JWT bearer token Authorization not working asp net core web api
I created a web api that uses JWT tokens for authorization with a role based policy (based on [this](
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- 28 Jan at 18:35
IHostedService usable in Azure Functions App?
Regardless of whether we , can we use `IHostedService` in an Azure Functions App? Here is an attempt to register a hosted service (background service, specifically) as `IHostedService`: ``` internal...
- Modified
- 28 Jan at 12:27