
Reading double values from a text file

Trying to read data from a text file using a C# application. There're multiple lines of data and each of them start with an integer and then followed by bunch of double values. A part of the text file...

14 Sep at 03:55

Using System.Windows.Forms classes in a .net core 3.0 preview9 project

How can we use classes like [Screen]( in a .NET Core 3.0 WPF project? There are documentation pages for .NET C...

25 Sep at 14:42

Unable to change Power BI connection string using API

I'm trying to change Power BI connection string using their API `(Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory)`. Using this API, I'm able to publish .pbix file to my PBI account. But Getting `Bad ...

12 Sep at 09:54

ServiceStack ApiKey

I'm using serviceStack for my first api service. I have my own table "" where I store multiple api key for users. I use Entity Framework. If I use OrmLiteAuthRepository it create it's own apikey tab...

12 Sep at 08:20

Server Discovery And Monitoring engine is deprecated

I am using Mongoose with my Node.js app and this is my configuration: ``` mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, useCreateIndex: true, ...

How to read values from the Redis Stream using ServiceStack.Redis Library?

How to read values from the Redis using ServiceStack.Redis Library? For example, you can read all values from Redis using method.

How can I solve error gypgyp ERR!ERR! find VSfind VS msvs_version not set from command line or npm config?

I want to run this project : []( When I run `npm install`, there exist error : ``` > sqlite3@3.1.13 in...

10 Sep at 22:59

How to use ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler generic

I want to add an HttClientHandler for a Typed HttpClient in order to include certificate authentication. All the examples I'm finding on the internet are like this: ``` services.AddHttpClient<IMySer...

The LINQ expression could not be translated and will be evaluated locally

Im getting this WARNING in EntityFramework Core what is wrong? I already set MSSQL Datebase to Case Sensitive. Latin1_General_100_CS_AS ``` var test = await _context.Students .First...

Fiddler doesn't capture traffic with "GetAsync"

I'm trying to debug a call to my ServiceStack web service from a .net 472 application. Fiddler has always been the obvious choice for inspecting traffic in my other applications targeting the same ser...

Can you use IAsyncEnumerable in Razor pages to progressively display markup?

I've been playing around with Blazor and the IAsyncEnumerable feature in C# 8.0. Is it possible to use IAsyncEnumerable and await within Razor Pages to progressively display markup with data? Example...

is HttpContext async safe in core?

Based on what i have read ` core` have dropped the synchronization context. This means that the thread that executes codes after `await` call might not be the same one that executes codes befor...

9 Sep at 21:58

How can I use the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control in C# windows application

How can I use the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control in C# windows application using Visual Studio?

22 May at 04:16

React warning Maximum update depth exceeded

This is a follow up question to this question which is the nearest to my issue: [Infinite loop in useEffect]( I am creating a ...

9 Sep at 11:39

Using async/await inside a React functional component

I'm just beginning to use React for a project, and am really struggling with incorporating async/await functionality into one of my components. I have an asynchronous function called `fetchKey` that...

What are the differences between app.UseRouting() and app.UseEndPoints()?

As I'm trying to understand them, It seem like they are both used to route/map the request to a certain endpoint

7 Feb at 13:3

How do I write Blazor HTML code inside the @code block?

How can I write Blazor HTML code within a function inside of the `@code` block? Consider the following code: ``` @page "/Test" @if (option == 1) { drawSomething("Something"); } else { drawS...

8 Sep at 07:25

NavigationDuplicated Navigating to current location ("/search") is not allowed

When I want to do a search multiple times it shows me the `NavigationDuplicated` error. My search is in the navbar and the way I have configured the search is to take the value using a model and then ...

30 Mar at 12:11

ServiceStack and Kestrel: Using the .Map function to route to ServiceStack instances based on path (middleware)?

We are looking into .NET Core and Kestrel and using ServiceStack. It's easy to add servicestack, using the Extensionmethod: ``` app.UseServiceStack(new AppHost { AppSettings = new NetCoreAppSe...

7 Oct at 21:28

How to provide List<int> for a data theory ? "InlineData"

How to provide List as a data source for a data theory, I can't find anything in InlineData that supports this : ``` [InlineData(null, new[] { 42, 2112 }, null)] // This doesn't work, I need somethin...

6 Sep at 14:4

What is equivalent to `MapSpaFallbackRoute` for ASP.NET Core 3.0 endpoints?

In ASP.NET Core 2.x I used standard routes registation `Configure` method of `Startup` class to for SPA application using `MapSpaFallbackRoute` extension method from `Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices...

6 Sep at 12:57

Replacement for ExpressionHelper in ASP.NET Core 3.0?

In ASP.NET Core 2.x I was using static method `GetExpressionText` of `ExpressionHelper` class for `IHtmlHelper<T>` extension method: ``` using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Internal; public ...

10 Apr at 23:18

EF Core "Group By could not be translated and will be evaluated locally."

I am running a simple query against an Sql Server database using Entity Framework Core 2.2.6 however the GroupBy is not being executed on the server, instead it is being executed locally. Is there so...

5 Sep at 14:15

Storing and comparing multiple passwords with ServiceStack

I'm attempting to create a password expiration function in my application. Passwords are already set up as well as authentication and changing passwords. Now I want to prompt the user to change their ...

Use latest version of System.Net.Http in .Net Framework

The latest version of [System.Net.Http]( on nuget is 4.3.4. But even the latest .Net Framework 4.8 ships with 4.2.0 of this library. Even if I add the ...

5 Sep at 10:18